February 28th, 2022, 06:01 PM
No doubt they do but how current or useful is it as I'm sure alot of firearms have been bought, sold and traded since then. It isn't worth the paper it's written on. It would be more useful as TP.
February 28th, 2022 06:01 PM
February 28th, 2022, 06:08 PM
Well hard to say if Home Security hacked it. But there are lot's of Hackers out there on the Left and on the Right.
If any company organization thinks they are unhackable well they will be hacked in short time.
I try to keep most of my stuff to myself on my old network drives.
Originally Posted by
Yeh pretty sure Homeland security has the complete registry.
February 28th, 2022, 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by
OK. Go ahead....argue that point. You want to argue false equivalencies as a debate style, and then act innocent...give us those points....
I shouldn't have to educate a grown adult on how to effectively debate, but here we are.
Based on what?
I see lots of posts railing against MSM from you ( borderline Alcan Chapeau material).
I'm fairly certain the revolution in Ukraine in 2014, and the subsequent government change, coupled with the fact that there were fewer Ukrainian citizens seeking to emigrate post 2014 bears out that it was a good thing.
Similarly, lots of folks in downtown Ottawa were peaceful. Lots weren't. Lots were charged, some have been sued.
I guess the MSM also controls the Justice system? Or could it be that a Judge found some merit in the class action?
Be aware that confirmation bias is a thing. You choose to believe a certain thing, you're going to find lots of "sources" that are going to agree with you...
Anyhow, after a return after a lengthy absence, I came back to enjoy some hunting, shooting, and fishing threads.
This site has seemingly become a community of pot stirrers, and a place for people to complain about whatever government or policy seems to be at issue with them. trying to get things back to balance...Turkey opens in about 60 days.
Not looking to stir the pot, just chiming in with my 2 cents here.
I would say based on independent media that is not a far left handout-receiving megaphone for the Trudeau government. Based on numerous livestreamers who've provided excellent coverage to millions of viewers. Based on thousands of hard working, freedom-loving Canadians of all ages, races and jab status who've assembled in -20 weather all across the country to show support for this movement...who've been horribly slandered by their own Prime Minister of all people. Based on people who went to Ottawa and other peaceful protests in other cities. Based on people who live in Ottawa, and those who run small businesses there. Reminder that legacy media is dying, and an independent podcaster like Joe Rogan has the largest audience in the USA by far. My man Tucker Carlson is 2nd, but it's not even close.
Is there something wrong about railing against MSM? Especially at this stage in the game, when so much fake news has been exposed and so much credibility lost? They dug their own grave and now they are crying foul when people call them out. The vast majority of the protestors and supporters were very peaceful, with the only violence coming from counter protestors and police. The government and various police officers are also getting sued. Justice Julie Bourgeois is very liberal and once ran for office. It's no secret that even our justice system is 'woke' now, and there is definitely an Orwellian ‘thought crime’ element to all of this. Trudeau himself is the arbiter of what is now "acceptable". Calling out bias or injustice in a democracy is how you do democracy, just like questioning science is how you do science. You don't just blindly trust it or follow it.
The very nature of -- the entire point of -- places like this forum (and specifically, the "off-topic" section of it) is to engage in discussion about things that are perhaps not as common elsewhere, and certainly not in the mainstream. I mean, who's really that interested in the edge retention or corrosion resistance of different types of steel, or hunting stories from old farts, or the intricacies of tying flies or minimalist bowhunting? Turns out we are. But that's pretty much how the internet started back in the day -- with chats & forums. People like to discuss things and ideas, and when everyone has been unfairly locked up for a very stressful 2 years, maybe they want to discuss things even more now? We've never experienced anything like the past 2 years, and hopefully we never do again. So it’s natural that local covid-related topics tend to predominate here as of late.
If there is a topic that doesn't interest me, or people are discussing something I know little about, I'm not forced to engage. It's a choice to post and respond, and there is a huge variety of threads on here to keep us all occupied. No one is holding anyone hostage. Short of making a threat, directly calling someone a slur or blatantly harassing them, or posting obscene/illegal material (or another forum rule I may have missed), we should let the "free market of ideas" do its thing.
I think the covid stuff is starting to lose steam, and we will naturally shift to other topics of interest going forward.
Boats will be back in the water soon.
The best part about being a "conspiracy theorist" is not having myocarditis.
Roses are red, violets are blue, taxation is theft, inflation is too.
March 1st, 2022, 04:11 PM
"who's really that interested in the edge retention or corrosion resistance of different types of steel, or hunting stories from old farts"
"Short of making a threat, directly calling someone a slur "
Alrighty then.
Last edited by Gilroy; March 1st, 2022 at 04:18 PM.
March 3rd, 2022, 10:17 AM
Has too much time on their hands
The Rideau center was not shutdown by City...their own management company shut it down and stopped business inside from operating.
Many businesses opened and had ZERO issues and got back into the black profitability wise. They Woke left mob is only telling one side of story (not directed at you bluebulldog)
Lastly - where is the moral outrage from the Ford governments shutdowns for the last 2 years???? Which destroyed 50,000 - 100,000 business in Ontario that will never open again...
Lets call a spade a spade here...
Originally Posted by
Going to take issue with part of that.
1. Lanes were not left open, outcome would have been vastly different if this protest did the same as the tractor protest a few years back.
2. Not all businesses were happy, the Rideau Center had 1500 employees who were essentially laid off, due to its closure. There were 100s of building trades working in the Center Block who also didn't work. Many of whom aren't wealthy, and 3 weeks without pay hurt, a lot.
That isn't MSM "Narrative", that's a guy who lives in Ottawa....and knows several of the people mentioned.
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party