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Thread: Talk numbers and facts

  1. #21
    Borderline Spammer

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    Quote Originally Posted by johnjyb View Post
    I welcome with open arms immigrant families who strive to come to Canada and are willing to work to become useful parts in our diverse society.
    My big problem at times is those who arrive here from different areas of the world that are in conflicts, wars whether military or gang related as well as programs of ethnic cleansing, and bring their idealogy with them as well as their hate, and then instead of becoming a much needed part of a somewhat healthy society instead continue with the same B.S. that they were supposedly escaping from.
    Ideas from other cultures such as Sharia law, feminist domination or Caste systems are at this time unacceptable in our society as they should be and instead of trying to bring these ideals here it is important for immigrants in my opinion to assimilate and become part of Canada, not make Canada a satellite of the hell they wanted out of.

    Problem is that such basic common sense has flown the coop. No one has the spine to even utter these truths, let alone stand up for them. This is how countries fall. Look at history.

    Also it's not immigration per se, but rather mass immigration & lack of assimilation that's the issue. Don't get sucked into this trap by the left -- "if you are critical of mass immigration you are racist!" It's a cheap way to sabotage and avoid the adult discussion.
    The best part about being a "conspiracy theorist" is not having myocarditis.

    Roses are red, violets are blue, taxation is theft, inflation is too.

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bushwhacker View Post
    Don't forget you live in one of the most ethnic areas of Canada with some of the highest % of new residents. If you go outside of Peel / GTA you will find many multi-generational Canadians doing the lower wage service jobs you suggested we need immigrants for.
    I live south of Bancroft for 6 months of the year, I know all the locals in my small hamlet and have been comin here hunting and fishing for over 25 years, I attend church socials, senior clubs, legion dances, I hunt with locals. So please do not try to peg me as a city guy who does not know what life is like in the country.

    Its not just lower wage jobs, we need all the Doctors, engineers, nurses from abroad. America is goin to be short some 220,000 registered nurses. Canada is short about 60,000 nurses right now. It looks like multi generational Canadians do not want to or are unwilling to take the needed training. So we will end up with nurses from the Philippine's who will come as nurses aid's, get trained by our nurses and stay.
    Its not their fault they are willing to come and work, its the fault of nobody willing to train for the job here.

  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnjyb View Post
    I welcome with open arms immigrant families who strive to come to Canada and are willing to work to become useful parts in our diverse society.
    My big problem at times is those who arrive here from different areas of the world that are in conflicts, wars whether military or gang related as well as programs of ethnic cleansing, and bring their idealogy with them as well as their hate, and then instead of becoming a much needed part of a somewhat healthy society instead continue with the same B.S. that they were supposedly escaping from.
    Ideas from other cultures such as Sharia law, feminist domination or Caste systems are at this time unacceptable in our society as they should be and instead of trying to bring these ideals here it is important for immigrants in my opinion to assimilate and become part of Canada, not make Canada a satellite of the hell they wanted out of.
    I agree and have stated here in the past that any immigrant here should be given two years to get established. After that time you should go in front of a Citizenship Judge and the first question should be "What have you done for Canada since you came here"

    Based on the answer to that question you get your chance to stay. Needless to say if all you have done is acquired a criminal record and been on welfare since you came, your chances just went out the window.
    The religious freedom thing I have no problem with but Sharia Law would be a no starter, you swear allegiance to Canada.

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bushwhacker View Post

    Problem is that such basic common sense has flown the coop. No one has the spine to even utter these truths, let alone stand up for them. This is how countries fall. Look at history.

    Also it's not immigration per se, but rather mass immigration & lack of assimilation that's the issue. Don't get sucked into this trap by the left -- "if you are critical of mass immigration you are racist!" It's a cheap way to sabotage and avoid the adult discussion.
    Well I do not believe we are into mass immigration because if we were the 6.9 millian Syrian refugees that are scattered thought Jordanian refugee camps, Turkey, Greece, would all have been allowed over here. Here is all these people displaced by a dictator, lost all they have, been gassed and that is just one country's population that need's our help 2.2 million Syrians are Christians.

  6. #25
    Borderline Spammer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    I agree and have stated here in the past that any immigrant here should be given two years to get established. After that time you should go in front of a Citizenship Judge and the first question should be "What have you done for Canada since you came here"

    Based on the answer to that question you get your chance to stay. Needless to say if all you have done is acquired a criminal record and been on welfare since you came, your chances just went out the window.
    The religious freedom thing I have no problem with but Sharia Law would be a no starter, you swear allegiance to Canada.
    Totally agree with you on the religion, my issue is with any RADICAL religious elements bringing over their brand of extremism and forcing it on other newer immigrants that might still be living in fear of retribution over here and to family members still in their homeland.
    If you think this is not a reality in our world today you have your head up your midsection.
    It is almost impossible today with technology and travel compared to 70 years ago for any country to try to be an isolated society and insulate themselves from the big bad monsters that are on the other side of the world.

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