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Thread: Detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person

    "First time detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person who died after vaccination against Covid-19"

    "The suspicion that the spike protein formed in the body as a result of the "vaccination" against Covid-19 could be responsible for the pathologically observed inflammations and lesions of vessels has now been confirmed immunohistologically for the first time."

    "The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang and their team have succeeded in reliably detecting the vaccine spike protein in the vessels of a person who died 4 months after "vaccination" and who had vascular lesions and also vaccine-induced myocarditis. Detection was successful using an antibody specific for the spike protein by conventional immunohistochemistry on the tissue sections."

    "The described detection method can be applied to all organ and cell damage in which conspicuous pathological findings are found after "vaccination" against Covid-19. From this follows: For ethical, legal and scientific reasons, all histopathological examinations in connection with damage due to "vaccination" against Covid-19 must be accompanied with this method with immediate effect."

    Reutlingen, January 17, 2022
    Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt
    Prof. Dr. Walter Lang
    "Proud Educated Vaxxer"

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Just starting out

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    OP the next few years could be very telling and sad for mankind. Reproductive systems in young humans could be destroyed for many. Sadly these things can happen when you experiment with drugs.

  4. #3
    Leads by example

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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot View Post
    OP the next few years could be very telling and sad for mankind. Reproductive systems in young humans could be destroyed for many. Sadly these things can happen when you experiment with drugs.
    And some people want to legalize hard drugs. Wow.

  5. #4
    Member for Life

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    Great presentation by Senator Ron Johnson

    " Turning back to COVID-19, Johnson argued, “[Fauci] is using the exact same playbook for COVID as he did for AIDS: Ignoring therapy, like Bactrim, or the cornucopia of cheap, generic repurposed drugs that are being used successfully to treat COVID and save lives.”

    “The solution has always been early treatment,” Johnson said. “But, again, Dr. Fauci is ignoring therapy and pushing a vaccine.”

    "Through refusing to explore early treatment options, Johnson contended, Fauci’s advice could have contributed to “as many as 500,000 lives” to be “needlessly lost.”
    "Proud Educated Vaxxer"

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