January 16th, 2022, 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by
Respond with this and then come back saying these numbers don't really matter!!! Fact is you have at least a 90% better chance of not ending up in the ICU if you are vaccinated. Why is it so hard to admit for you guys that the vaccine may actually be doing some good? None of us care whether you ever get it or not and I agree it's not the be-all and end-all but we're trying and at least at this point the numbers are in our favour.
January 16th, 2022 09:51 AM
January 16th, 2022, 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by
Respond with this and then come back saying these numbers don't really matter!!! Fact is you have at least a 90% better chance of not ending up in the ICU if you are vaccinated. Why is it so hard to admit for you guys that the vaccine may actually be doing some good? None of us care whether you ever get it or not and I agree it's not the be-all and end-all but we're trying and at least at this point the numbers are in our favour.
Myself personally I have 2 issues with this statement. I have never said I am an anti or that the "vaccine" might not be helping (we'll leave any long term issues out for now) and where you say you don't care if many get it or not, it is being forced on many free thinking individuals who are still not convinced that they personally can benefit from the jab. Forced, coercion whatever when you have to choose between a job you spend 20 years training and becoming adept at, losing your home because you cannot afford the mortgage.
These are not choices, these are chains being wrapped around a minority of free thinking citizens that are asking questions and being shut down.
It seems like government is dividing the population, and letting peer pressure, fines, or who knows what novel new ideas to come forward as long as it extends their agenda to stay in power.
January 16th, 2022, 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by
There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. Let's examine the statistics closely.
77.6% of the population that is eligible to receive the "vaccine" is considered fully vaxxed (2 or more doses) not 90%
5-19 yearolds who have about a 0.0004% chance of ending up in hospital or ICU make up 16% of the population, approximately 10% of them are fully vaxxed.
If we remove the 10% of the population that is vaxxed but was never at risk of a negative outcome from the 77.6% of the fully vaxxed we end up with a more accurate 67.6% demographic of who is fully vaxxed with the potential to end up in the hospital and ICU.
Another fun fact is that for the "vaccine" to be approved under it's emergency use application it had to meet a benchmark of atleast 50% efficacy which it clearly does not when you take the above factors into account, this is how and why they are deceiving us.
Attachment 43127
was following a logical thought out post right up to the dumb meme that ignores all the stats and applies todays situation to the past.
You could make the same meme in comparison to all kinds of viruses over the years. Fact is mutations and new variants change the situation.
So yes, stats can be manipulated, but using them at the top of your post and then ignoring them at the bottom doesn't make much sense to me.
But at least your logical stats proved what I was saying. And that was all I was saying. Acknowledging the current stats doesn't harm your fight or opinion in regards to the vaccine.
January 16th, 2022, 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by
was following a logical thought out post right up to the dumb meme that ignores all the stats and applies todays situation to the past.
You could make the same meme in comparison to all kinds of viruses over the years. Fact is mutations and new variants change the situation.
So yes, stats can be manipulated, but using them at the top of your post and then ignoring them at the bottom doesn't make much sense to me.
But at least your logical stats proved what I was saying. And that was all I was saying. Acknowledging the current stats doesn't harm your fight or opinion in regards to the vaccine.
That's too bad the truth meme offends you as it provides the timeline of the lies we've been told since the vaccine rollout began, not much I can do about that as you seem to be offended by just about everything. As for applying the meme to other viruses maybe you could enlighten me as to which ones it would apply to, not that it matters much while they all seem to be under control, a few examples to support your statement would be helpful. I'm not sure how you conclude that I ignored the stats at the bottom of the post, that statement makes about as much sense to me as this one. "But at least your logical stats proved what I was saying. And that was all I was saying. Acknowledging the current stats doesn't harm your fight or opinion in regards to the vaccine." When it clearly dilutes the 82% narrative you expressed in post #45 when applied to a per capita base.
"By my math your absolutely correct. I don’t see what the others see in those numbers
I’m not promoting to get vaxed if you don’t want to whatsoever but when it’s roughly a 50/50 split in the icu but 82% vaccinated there is clearly a benefit there
Please explain what you guys see differently."
I'm merely explaining to you what I see differently, those stats are fact and not opinion in regards to the vaccine efficacy, but why take my word for it when you can take it right from the horse's mouth itself. No need to be offended.
Last edited by GloHole; January 16th, 2022 at 02:06 PM.
January 16th, 2022, 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by
At the end of the day, it makes no difference if you are vaxxed or unvaxxed. The people with pre-existing conditions are most at risk.
Exactly...the biggest risk of ending up in an ICU is if you have one or more cormobidity issues.
Originally Posted by
I enjoy reading peoples opinions, and understand that they vary but I'm also a statistical guy and look at those also.
I too enjoy the challenge of a good debate. You're one of the few on here that actually can debate with counter opinions and actually backs them up. It's greatly appreciated. I spent a few years on a debating team, one learns to be able to discuss both sides of an argument...it's very rewarding. Thanks for your efforts.
Originally Posted by
Respond with this and then come back saying these numbers don't really matter!!! Fact is you have at least a 90% better chance of not ending up in the ICU if you are vaccinated. .
First, the data I posted from Health Canada is to dispel the claims there are more unvaccinated in the ICU. That is not true. And what I said in the earlier post the vaccination status of the patient isn't relevant to the ICU staff (especially now) ...they don't care if you're vaccinated or not, just if you're infected.
Regardless of your vaccination status, you're at a higher risk of ending up in an ICU if you overweight, diabetic, have lung issues, heart issues etc etc.. Statistically there is a greater risk if unvaccinated, but for many of them, it's because they are from poor health /living conditions.
ie: The Indigenous / Inuit communities are about 1.6 million people. Stats show they have only about 1 million doses of vaccine given to date. So only between 50-60% of them are partially or fully vaccinated. On some reserves, it's a low as 30%. During the last wave, they represented about 46% of the ICU patients in Manitoba and Sask. Being flown in when their comorbidity issues become too hard to handle after they got the virus.
The comparison of vaxxed vs unvaxxed is a media / political wedge they are using to force 100% of the population vaccinated. Knowing full well that the science proves that to be unattainable, no matter how many lockdowns and restrictions they mandate. This week their forcing truck drivers, our supply chain, out of work regardless if they test negative or not...just if they are vaxxed with a vaccine that doesn't protect them from becoming infected anyway.
Last edited by MikePal; January 16th, 2022 at 01:09 PM.
January 16th, 2022, 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by
That's too bad the truth meme offends you as it provides the timeline of the lies we've been told since the vaccine rollout began, not much I can do about that as you seem to be offended by just about everything. As for applying the meme to other viruses maybe you could enlighten me as to which ones it would apply to, not that it matters much while they all seem to be under control, a few examples to support your statement would be helpful. I'm not sure how you conclude that I ignored the stats at the bottom of the post, that statement makes about as much sense to me as this one. "But at least your logical stats proved what I was saying. And that was all I was saying. Acknowledging the current stats doesn't harm your fight or opinion in regards to the vaccine." When it clearly dilutes the 82% narrative you expressed in post #45 when applied to a per capita base.
"By my math your absolutely correct. I don’t see what the others see in those numbers
I’m not promoting to get vaxed if you don’t want to whatsoever but when it’s roughly a 50/50 split in the icu but 82% vaccinated there is clearly a benefit there
Please explain what you guys see differently."
I'm merely explaining to you what I see differently, those stats are fact and not opinion in regards to the vaccine efficacy, but why take my word for it when you can take it right of the horse's mouth itself. No need to be offended.
The meme only brings comedic relief to the fact that information trickles in slowly and guidelines change with new and updated data. Lies? Not really. That leads to presumptions of conspiracy. It’s most likely the simplest answer. They are rolling with the punches on new and available data.
January 16th, 2022, 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by
The meme only brings comedic relief to the fact that information trickles in slowly and guidelines change with new and updated data. Lies? Not really. That leads to presumptions of conspiracy. It’s most likely the simplest answer. They are rolling with the punches on new and available data.
To be honest I find very little comedic relief with the meme, It's really not that funny in my opinion, it provides an actual unfolding of the timeline of the narrative as it occurred. 100% lies, they are proven in the first 34 pages of the Pfizer pre clinical data ordered to be released by the court when the FDA sought to have that information concealed for 55 years and is only further re enforced by the drug company taking the unprecedented path of vaccinating the control group of the study which has lead to everyone scratching their head claiming, " I guess we'll never know if the vaccine saved any lives or not." Makes ya kinda wonder why we need 100% vaccination when we were initially told 65% to reach herd immunity wouldn't you agree? Two years in to this and the simplest answers aren't cutting it. Rolling with your narrative is only leading us into a holocaust. Did you not here the CEO of Pfyzer admit that they didn't work. WAKE UP!
Last edited by GloHole; January 16th, 2022 at 02:07 PM.
January 16th, 2022, 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by
I'm merely explaining to you what I see differently, those stats are fact and not opinion in regards to the vaccine efficacy, but why take my word for it when you can take it right from the horse's mouth itself. No need to be offended.
you miss understood me. As I said I was following and even agreed with your well thought out post. But in my mind your blew it at the end with a dumb meme.
I most certainly was not offended. You used good counter stats to mine. (for the record my 82% came of the CTV news website, I didn't make it up but I'm OK working with your numbers).
Its just that you post good factual info, then add a unfactual cartoon at the bottom that in my mind degrades your otherwise well thought out post.
Sorry I didn't communicate that well. Seems you take my comments as an arguement, were in reality I'm just trying to discuss and learn like an educated adult. Nothing more.
I truly don't know why you think "I'm offended by just about everything". I don't even know how to reply to that as if is not remotely accurate. But clearly I'm not communicating very well if that is your take.
January 16th, 2022, 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by
you miss understood me. As I said I was following and even agreed with your well thought out post. But in my mind your blew it at the end with a dumb meme.
I most certainly was not offended. You used good counter stats to mine. (for the record my 82% came of the CTV news website, I didn't make it up but I'm OK working with your numbers).
Its just that you post good factual info, then add a unfactual cartoon at the bottom that in my mind degrades your otherwise well thought out post.
Sorry I didn't communicate that well. Seems you take my comments as an arguement, were in reality I'm just trying to discuss and learn like an educated adult. Nothing more.
I truly don't know why you think "I'm offended by just about everything". I don't even know how to reply to that as if is not remotely accurate. But clearly I'm not communicating very well if that is your take.
Well I apologize for miss understanding your comments and hopefully we can leave it at that. I got my numbers from PHO and Stats Canada. The 82% that came from CTV includes single dose recipients of the "vaccine" with the fully vaxxed 77.6%. I left them out of the equation for simplicity as the don't really fit into either category and their relevance is still related in the pie charts. I will offer my opinion as to why single dose recipients haven't received their second dose and that is that a good number of them have suffered some sort of adverse reaction to the first dose.
January 16th, 2022, 02:57 PM
All good with me, and appreciate the clarification of my faulty stats.