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Thread: The Campaign of Fear

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePal View Post
    You're absolutely right...when the State, the leaders of Government, take to vilifying a segment of the population for not complying with their unjust mandates, it time to sit back and reflect on just how have we allowed that to happen. They have created a divisive society that harkens back into history where various regimes have done the same thing.

    I was truly saddened for the Nurses, who had worked side by side, long 12 hr shifts, days at a time, during the first waves of the pandemic only to see their coworkers being removed from the job because their employers would not allow alternative preventive measures to be used to protect their patients. It was pure politics and had nothing to do with science. They wanted 100% vaccination, darn your unalienable right to freedom of choice in matters concerning your health. .
    That bit about "not allow alternative preventive measures" - I've heard that from others in the health field. People survive the covid, but get bacterial pneumonia which doctors then refuse to treat with antibiotics - because "covid is viral, not bacterial" and the patient ends up dead. A lot of people that "died of covid" would have actually survived had they been treated as they would have been in the pre-covid times. It seems that covid treatment guidelines were developed to maximise covid deaths - possibly to heighten the need for a vaccine.

    I don't think of myself as a conspiracy theorist - but too much of what has happened in the last two years does not make sense. Are our politicians and medical "experts" that incompetent or is there something sinister afoot?

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by werner.reiche View Post
    I don't think of myself as a conspiracy theorist - but too much of what has happened in the last two years does not make sense. Are our politicians and medical "experts" that incompetent or is there something sinister afoot?
    Trust your instinct. It is correct.
    This is a global event and way beyond the clowns at Queens park and Parliament Hill.
    The USA was the last to fall and there is a power struggle currently happening.
    Covid is a distraction. The people are now pushing back against the globalist agenda.
    The Great Awakening.
    "Proud Educated Vaxxer"

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