January 10th, 2022, 08:09 PM
Challenge: Justin trudeau vs david lynn | boxing match
January 10th, 2022 08:09 PM
January 10th, 2022, 08:55 PM
I’d like to challenge him to an iq test.
January 11th, 2022, 12:28 PM
So Pastor David in his Bible studies probably missed a few parts, he say's he's 1000/0 in winning arguments. The SIN of pride.
Challenge to a boxing match, how about violence begets violence.
OK so what is he really after, well apparently cheap publicity as he is selling his books and T shirts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z5E9y2L2q4
David J. Lynn is a Canada Pastor and Street Preacher based out of Toronto[1], Ontario and is founder of Christ's Forgiveness Ministries[2] and Christian Positive Space[3]. He usually preaches at Yonge and Dundas Square in Toronto and at various parades in Toronto and posts many of his activities on Youtube[4][2]. He has also been known for his confrontation with both the Muslim[5] and the LGBT communities[6][7][8]. He also speaks against the Black Lives Matter movement and premarital sex[9].
Lynn was arrested multiple times, including on June 2019 being charged with "disturbing the peace" in Church-Wellesley Village
Instead of going around Canada upsetting people maybe he should be in the PROJECTS talking to gang bangers and turning them from violence and finding the Lord.
This is right up his alley, my message to him PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH.
Last edited by Gilroy; January 11th, 2022 at 12:30 PM.
January 11th, 2022, 12:34 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Trudeau is a joke. Not even a challenge IMO...lol