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Thread: How Omicron is affecting Hospitals

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default How Omicron is affecting Hospitals

    Turns out a lot of the Covid hospitalizations, that are inflating the numbers, are not really 'sick' people.

    A well-written, balanced article of what is really going on in the Hospitals. It's not as dire as the news would have us believe. They're being overrun with people coming in with mild symptoms, in 'fear' of having Covid. Apparently they're finding the hospital's problems are more from the Hysteria than the actual virus.

    Some Canadian emergency rooms are being walloped by “ridiculous” numbers of people with suspected or confirmed COVID, with symptoms ranging from what essentially resembles a mild cold to, in the unvaccinated and vulnerable, severe COVID pneumonias, frontline doctors are reporting.

    Some are arriving in hospital with minimal symptoms, driven there instead by anxiety or a desire to confirm their COVID status, and with having had no clearly communicated advice on what to do if they do get COVID.
    “We are still catastrophizing COVID,” said Dr. Martha Fulford, an infectious diseases specialist and chief of medicine at the McMaster University Medical Center. “We have somehow made when you have a positive result equal disaster in a lot of people’s minds.”

    The emotion and fear are so overwhelming. It’s very difficult to try to break through this,” Fulford said.
    “What we are seeing is people who are being admitted because they are extremely weak, dizzy, a fall risk.” Severe lung inflammation was a major issue in wave one, with people suffering respiratory distress and respiratory failure. “That’s not so much an issue this time,” Legome said. “We’re not seeing a huge number of COVID pneumonia and people requiring intensive respiratory support. We’re not seeing that very much at all.”

    “Of all the patients we have with Omicron, the vast, vast majority are going home,” Legome said. Of those hospitalized, “It tends to be the patients who would be admitted otherwise: You’re 90 years old, you have underlying pulmonary disease, heart failure, you have a hip replacement, you don’t get along well at baseline and then you have Omicron on top of that and you just can’t get out of bed. It’s that type that we’re seeing more of,” he said.
    Good read , some factual info for a change: [/QUOTE]
    Last edited by MikePal; January 7th, 2022 at 05:23 AM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePal View Post
    Turns out a lot of the Covid hospitalizations, that are inflating the numbers, are not really 'sick' people.

    A well-written, balanced article of what is really going on in the Hospitals. It's not as dire as the news would have us believe. They're being overrun with people coming in with mild symptoms, in 'fear' of having Covid. Apparently they're finding the hospital's problems are more from the Hysteria than the actual virus.


    Good read , some factual info for a change:[/QUOTE]

    Hospital overloads in larger cities have been a problem for a couple of decades here.
    So have ER staff overloads and burnout.
    I think the smaller hospitals (Pembroke, Renfrew, Arnprior, Kemptville, Winchester etc) fare a lot better in this department.

    Two years into covid and we haven't addressed ER/ICU shortages, nor have we got a comprehensive plan for LTC.
    We haven't learned a lot from covid. But that wasn't unexpected - we didn't learn anything from SARS either.

  4. #3
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Definitely seeing more sensible interviews and articles from several media outlets.

    Seems the newscasters in some of these interviews appear to almost be annoyed with the fact that these doctors aren't inciting fear and panic with the surge in cases.

    Wife and I had COVID over the holidays -- mild cold-like symptoms for both of us.


    Bills n' Thrills.

  5. #4
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    Just a point...when a Nurse tests procedure, she and all those nurses who worked with are forced into isolation. That is why the staffing issue has become a big problem with the Hosptitals. Even reducing that to 5 days leaves a big hole in the ability to staff a hospital.

    With the overwhelming amount of people testing positive with Omicron and running to the Hosptial ( like the article says) it not only spreads the virus, it overworks the staff that are there.

  6. #5
    Leads by example

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    The neglect in building more hospitals to mirror population growth is not only incompetent but disgusting. I’ve never been a fan of planners who try to pack cities full like sardine cans. With the amount of area we have, you would think we would expand and build new hospitals as we go.
    Bigger cities are building up (condos, apartments) so then build hospitals up, 10, 20, 30 floors.

    A better plan is a must for generations to come.

  7. #6
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    They deployed these rapid test kits to the general population in which the manufacturers readily admit are inaccurate.
    What did they expect? A whole range of mass anxiety from the general population.

    The solution?

    "Proud Educated Vaxxer"

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