January 2nd, 2022, 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by
Agreed. If official reports were done properly and accurately, it would allow the general population to make a better informed decision. By not doing so, the government left a void. It has allowed ALL manners of media to use their vivid imaginations to manipulate the weak data in which way they saw fit. This is probably the most genuine reason for such a divide in the public’s opinion on covid.
It will take time, but the truth will surface. Until then keep calm and carry on.
The divide created is relative to fear and intelligence, if you lack the intelligence to recognize you're being manipulated you will be ruled by fear as false as it might be.271155218_308747894496883_4324758886200601691_n.jpg
The truth is out there and always has been however fleeting it might be. Quick see it before it's gone. https://rumble.com/vrs4f7-january-1-2022.html
January 2nd, 2022 02:44 PM
January 2nd, 2022, 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by
I think that's the video Robert Malone was kicked off Twitter for . Banned for life for posting misleading information right from the source of pfizer.
Can't have the facts from pfizer getting in the way of profits lol.
The safety reports are out but well hiden from the public eye. It's misleading information lol.
Sent from my SM-G975W using Tapatalk
January 2nd, 2022, 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by
I think that's the video Robert Malone was kicked off Twitter for . Banned for life for posting misleading information right from the source of pfizer.
Can't have the facts from pfizer getting in the way of profits lol.
The safety reports are out but well hiden from the public eye. It's misleading information lol.
Sent from my SM-G975W using Tapatalk
That's the one. Made in Canada eh! lol
Last edited by GloHole; January 2nd, 2022 at 03:19 PM.
January 2nd, 2022, 03:33 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
So is Betty White the latest vaxx death??
January 3rd, 2022, 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by
Ok fair enough, I guess I don’t get it. So if you understand it, just answer the previous questions. Share the end game with us all.
No you obviously don't "get it", so here spend 25 minutes and get yourself up to speed.
Originally Posted by
The True North Declaration Premier
January 3rd, 2022, 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by
Ok so I took 25 minutes out of my life so that those that are interested can read a synopsis of what this video is about. These are my notes through the video. Some might believe they are bias, and they probably are. I tried my best to rationalize the video with my own beliefs of logic. Feel free to read through.
Within the first 3 minutes they pretty much deny covid exists and that it’s made up to infringe on our freedom.
Fast forward to the first six minutes. Essentially saying that people are afraid and fear is used as a tool to force people to take the vaccine. This guy mightily sits on his high horse believing that somehow the majority of people are uneducated and less intelligent than he. So mainly stupid and scared people can’t make their own informed decisions and that is why they got vaccinated.
8 minutes in now and employment is covered. Mandates are covered. They admit the vaccine works to lessen the symptoms. They believe the mandates are not right. They believe that those unvaxxed are being treated like sub-humans.
Up to the 9 minute mark they discuss how the courts are supposed to be neutral and examine cases only using facts. They accuse courts of not using facts and making judgements based on an agenda.
From 9 to 11 minutes this guy is level headed.
Sounds to me like these people suffer from pandemic fatigue. They lack the patience to allow this virus to take its course.
This main speaker is a hoot. Here we are 13 minutes in and he is building up the narrative again that medical professionals cannot speak freely and must follow the covid plan put in place by governments. Essentially saying that people lack free will to speak openly or lack the intelligence to do so.
He should reflect on his own words when he says be “skeptical” about everything. Or when he says “public opinion matters”. Apparently he is unable to accept the majority of public opinion is in direct contrast to his beliefs.
He even picks on his own colleagues accusing them of fear to join his declaration. No mention that perhaps they looked into it and it doesn’t agree with them. They obviously lack the intelligence this one individual has.
He tries to draw a picture of the negativities of the vaccine. He plainly says the effects are in dispute but not zero. But don’t most drugs also state side effects…how many are zero?
Purpose of declaration:
1. For people to feel like they aren’t alone or crazy
2. For people to know there are lawyers willing to back them up. (Will this be pro Bono?)
3. A rallying point for people to get behind to stop covid
“Anyone who is an outlier is part of the problem”
Interesting quote (19:41).
More squabbling about government and msm driving the fear of god in people, you know because people are dumb and can’t think for themselves.
They want to drive their narrative to give people a choice in beliefs. They don’t accept the current narrative.
The general population is suffering from hysteria and anxiety due to msm and government policies.
“Shame on you if you remain silent” and don’t fight the government narrative.
They end it real classy by fear mongering. Apparently Canada is no longer a free country.
Throughout the video they use generalizations and nothing specific to make their case understood. They don’t give any examples or cases.
It is a propaganda video, no denying that.
These were my thoughts. Feel free to watch and make your own conclusions because Canada is a free country. And while we may disagree on some points, we can all rally behind our right to believe what we want.
Thanks to mikepal for getting me “up to speed”
January 3rd, 2022, 08:32 AM