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Thread: The Pandemic: How society has been brain washed.

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePal View Post
    None of them can back up their facts, because they don't exist or they're too lazy to find them.. They refuse to look up data to support their nonsense and refuse to accept that they are being misled. Just spout off anything to be antagonistic (troll). Then when they get backed into a corner they just resort to personal attacks. It's called Cognitive Dissonance

    It works well for both camps. The main difference being the sources of the information/disinformation.

  2. # ADS

  3. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birdbuff View Post
    It works well for both camps. The main difference being the sources of the information/disinformation.
    One narrative with an emergency use only vaccine. Mandates within the union based on assumptions without any evidence .

    To end this pandemic we need cases and a low hospitalization and deaths. It needs to stay manageable that's it. We will never get to zero covid look at Australia or China with the extreme first lockdown.

    People say they need to vaccinate the children to stop the spread how many children have already had covid recovered from covid and now have natural advantages like stopping the spread . Evidence tells us that it's rare for reinfections.

    We need to be rational about this not live in fear and use one narrative with experimental drugs.

    Sent from my SM-G975W using Tapatalk

  4. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by smitty55 View Post
    It doesn't take much rational thought to realize the no other vaccine ever has used experimental emergency use only mRNA technology that never even passed animal testing in the past as it failed miserably. Somehow you seem to miss that very important point to rationalize your thinking. Btw, another point you are way off on is that the list of ingredients are readily available to anyone. You're starting to sound like Gilly and Bad more all the time. At least get your facts straight if you want to debate points.
    Considering I am supposed to be on your ignore list, how could you possibly know what I am writing.

  5. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePal View Post
    None of them can back up their facts, because they don't exist or they're too lazy to find them.. They refuse to look up data to support their nonsense and refuse to accept that they are being misled. Just spout off anything to be antagonistic (troll). Then when they get backed into a corner they just resort to personal attacks. It's called Cognitive Dissonance

    Amazing posting about fellow members and calling them trolls and then not considering they are trolling. LOL

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