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Thread: Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Totalitarianism and the Five Stages of Dehumanization

    A good read and the current status on where we are today.

    "As Arendt would certainly warn us against, we should not be misled by the fact that we do not see in the West today any of the atrocities that were the hallmark of the totalitarian regimes of Communism under Stalin or Mao and Nazism under Hitler. These events were all preceded by a gradually spreading mass ideology and subsequent state-imposed ideological campaigns and measures promoting apparently “justifiable” and “scientifically proven” control measures and actions aimed at permanent surveillance and ultimately a step-by-step exclusion of certain people from (parts of) society because they posed “a risk” to others or dared to think outside of what was considered acceptable thought."

    "All totalitarian efforts always end on the dustheap of history. This one will be no exception."

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Has too much time on their hands

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    YUP...we can still stop it here in Ontario. Come over, join, run as a candidate, speak your ever loving free mind and help us through the main parties out...who want more of this authoritative measures.
    Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Quote Originally Posted by line052 View Post
    YUP...we can still stop it here in Ontario. Come over, join, run as a candidate, speak your ever loving free mind and help us through the main parties out...who want more of this authoritative measures.
    Yes, a great platform. I see that Randy has also started a new party as well.
    Very similar. Coalition in the future?

  5. #4
    Has too much time on their hands

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    No NO coalition unless they accept the OLP statement of principles. The New Blue are the old trillium and won't sway the big C cons who are vote loyal. Randy is a friend, and OLA member, but Randy is in it for himself. I can respect that. There is a window for our message of less state, NO Mandates, restrictions or lockdowns. No forced medical procedures ever...

    I have the current platform almost finished and received lots of inputs from members, it will be similar to 2018, but more agressive in removing decentralization of government to regional authorities, it will remove all COVID restrictions and Legislations, remove Municipal Act, Conservation Authorities, MPAC. Funding for schools and healthcare will be attached to the individual to fund local resources, not provincial centralization, which will direct all funds locally with having people choices of who they fund education and healthcare. In effect causing the competition for your services and needs.

    A radical plan to reduce government and pay down debt, zero corporate tax rates (attract business back), end all climate change programs and initiatives, leave the Green Energy businesses all together and remove all subsidies for Green Energy.

    My goal is to empower the people with funding and make talking heads like me powerless to make promises of your tax dollars.

    Quote Originally Posted by impact View Post
    Yes, a great platform. I see that Randy has also started a new party as well.
    Very similar. Coalition in the future?
    Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party

  6. #5
    Getting the hang of it

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    Our citizens need a backbone

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