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Thread: Emissions impossible

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Emissions impossible

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  3. #2
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Bingo, good find.

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    I have been explaining this to Greenies for a long time.

    He is correct that Trudeau wants to reduce Canada's standard of living while the rest of the world moves on. But the way Trudeau lies about it and the left believes it is everything will be sunny days. In Ontario the Liberals are promising to look at a 4 day work week in most Jobs I see even if you condensed those hours over 4 days you would get much less done. If the Payroll system went down on a Thursday afternoon well I guess people might not get paid. I doubt if they would be happy about that.

    Highly doubt I would ever work a 4 day week. If I did I would use the extra day to make cash on the side.

    Well the Liberals can try but they won't reduce my standard of living or my kid's I have to many irons in the fire and I will make sure at all costs that my family will stay ahead of Trudeau little game.

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