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Thread: Gas prices

  1. #61
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    Yeh John pretty much the same here $145.00 to fill up the old Safari wagon, if I can get away with using my Echo most of the year I am OK.

    Its not an option I know for guys working with tools and equipment so the price will always to paid along to the consumer.

    There are a whole bunch of folks who could probably NOT be driving big pick up trucks so people will have to adjust, the days of roaring around in vehicles we don,t all need to be driving are over.
    You know it brother........I just wish it was like mid pandemic where a tank would last me a month. Lots of my buddies in the trade now added a truck fee of $100 for each service call. The cost of having a HD Supply on wheels. Still cheaper than paying him to run to the distributor to get material to complete your job!

  2. # ADS

  3. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatwhite View Post
    Yeah I am very disappointed that he didn't. Makes you wonder if he's loosing the fire in his belly.
    Politics is a blood sport
    If he is interested he needs to act now and kick out O'toole.
    I would say it was a bit early, assuming Justlied actually told the truth for once, within 24 months there will be another $600M+ spent to try for another majority IF people DON'T start to figure out what a louse he actually is. They will use his socks and some event like the Glasgow and as much spending and as much fear mongering to try and gain popularity in the next 18 to 24 months. I would say Pierre and Lewis etc should toss O'toole late next summer or early fall of 2022, then use the 6 to 12 months to show only an ideologue or the corrupt would vote Lib and that the PPC is just vote splitting, heck I wouldn't be shocked if some day we find out the Liberal party supporters funded the PPC.
    O'toole tried to be like the Liberals and as more people see that the Liberals are money wasting parasites that lie and are incompetent it will be harder for Justlied to call an election when we already saw they didn't even win the popular vote again. So it is likely the LIEbrals won't see the chance to grab power and baring a confidence vote may drag it out for 4 years of doing the NDP biding for the most part. 2 years or 6 to 10 months, either works to Pierre's advantage. but with the lies and media covering up for the Libs being in charge now would be a disadvantage. Banning semi's and pumps, more scandals, more huge deficits and more tax increase and the increased censorship will hurt the LIEbs (not with their die hard supporters though) but in their use of the lies, fear and hate mongering, the money throwing and the media's preferential treatment the Conservatives need to find a way to show ethics, morals, budgets and respect and even just being competent are important... a challenge for sure to get people to see, some never will! You can still find supporters of Stalin, Mao and even Hitler in the world.... some just lack that important something.
    Last edited by mosquito; October 30th, 2021 at 03:09 PM. Reason: punctuation fix

  4. #63
    Needs a new keyboard

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    I guess the days of going for a Sunday drive are pretty much over. I remember as a kid, loading up the family car on a Sunday, and touring around the local area just to see the sights and what was going on, and usually ending up at a drive in restaurant for a treat or sometimes a meal. By todays' standards, that was just plain wrong. What were my parents thinking?
    "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy." Ernest Benn

  5. #64
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by delmer View Post
    I guess the days of going for a Sunday drive are pretty much over. I remember as a kid, loading up the family car on a Sunday, and touring around the local area just to see the sights and what was going on, and usually ending up at a drive in restaurant for a treat or sometimes a meal. By todays' standards, that was just plain wrong. What were my parents thinking?
    A populace that can travel, meet and feel empathy for others, learn .... not what the Libs want. Decades ago when I moved to Toronto to work and realized the "huge protests" on CBC were usually less than 50 people and almost as many press as protesters usually the idea of look, think and learn came about. Lies are easy to be believed when there is censorship, people can't "go see" and only one side is available and thinking/questions not allowed.

  6. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    He has not caused a civil war which was where Trump and his supporters were heading to, not to mention his love of all dictators worldwide.
    Crazy Joe is the guy with all the best friends in the middle east.just ask his son.
    When are the FBI going to do a full investigation on cornpop and his crazy dope head son

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