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Thread: Phyzer blackmailing governments worldwide

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePal View Post
    Wow decisions are being made by people with that kind of attitude...
    I fixed up my post a bit but he gave off some numbers as well the risk in that age group to healthy kid's is extremely rare even for death's.

    Most of the kids hospitalized from covid also have a co morbidity 2 thirds of them.

    Remember almost half didn't even know they had it or 43% here in Canada last year.

    You should of heard the one guy I called him an a hole I doubt he heard me though lol. He was like yeah we won't get the data until we start giving out so let's go lol. Not to my kids lol..

    Some are only for giving it to the ones who actually need it. Study's show it doesn't stop the infections very well after a few months and many kids like you said have already had it. This was from USA and CDC says say 40 % in that age group already had covid. They assume it's a bit higher now lol. Some would like to see only 1 dose given to people who had it previously.

    It's risks vs rewards from 2 shots 10 ml doses 3 weeks apart. If the risks were they same as they were for 12 to 25 I don't think they would of done it.

    They are thinking half less for side effects they must wieght in all the evidence I missed that part it was an all day event.

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  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Member for Life

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePal View Post
    Wow decisions are being made by people with that kind of attitude...
    Remember our media has only created panic and everyone is dying.

    A sad kick to reality when the influenza killed more than this every year in that age group.

    People are more afraid of their kids getting covid than something that put more in ICU and killed more every year than almost in 18 months. The flu did that to them in just a few months of the season.

    This is what happens when we are acting like everyone has the same risk.

    Sent from my CLT-L04 using Tapatalk

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