October 25th, 2021, 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by
The passports serve no purpose other than to try and force the unvaccinated to get vaccinated. Since the fully vaxxed are now becoming infected that plan has failed and is no longer effective under the guise of making it safer.
It can be scrapped. Isolating the unvaccinated is a moot point if 30% of the vaccinated are behind the wall with people who think they are safe. Especially when the population is close to 90% fully vaccinated.
All it's doing now is causing undue strain on the businesses having to enforce it.
They're going to try an end run and get the kids vaccinated, thinking that will stop the spread, But if you think you saw resistance from Adults, wait till you see the resistance trying to get kids vaccinated when there is virtually no more danger from the virus than there is from the seasonal flu.
Dragging this out another 6 months in an area, like where I live, that hasn't had but a spattering of positive cases and even fewer hospitalizations for months already will only cause a lot more unnecessary misery.
We have a common seasonal cold running thru the population now that is more of an issue with lots of kids staying home.
Face it, we're all going to have to learn to live with this virus. Good news is there was no 'wave' triggered after all the Thanksgiving gatherings and huge sports event with 28,000 people. So why is there still so much fear-mongering.
The vaccine's efficacy for preventing infections is only good for about 6 months...book now for everyone who's hooked to get their booster and move on.
Your post makes perfect sense but the people behind the bs pandemic dont follow medical science, logic or common sense. They got their profits and power to worry about.
2 weeks to flatten the curve, remember how that went?
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October 25th, 2021 06:10 PM
October 26th, 2021, 08:32 AM
Fords plans such as this are idiotic to me. How do you know what covid is going to do over the next weeks / months. Its the same as the silly three steps to re-opening this past summer that had us re-opening way, way slower than the covid numbers would indicate.
Any reasonable plan cannot be made months in advance. We need a plan that assesses weekly and re-adjusts based on covid numbers - and according to the province's own procedures updated after SARS, the "numbers" are patients showing symptoms, not positive tests. Figure out what the health system can withstand and open up accordingly. For all the "follow the science" BS, we still are not following what we learned from SARS.