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Thread: I Told You - Remember

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    I lived in a small farming village in Germany for 4 yrs.. it had 3 pubs, one on every corner. They sold bottled beer, but for the most part everyone drank the tap/draft. It was where I was introduced to "Weißbier" or wheat beer. No preservatives, fresh chilled from a keg in the basement. Best beer I've ever partaken of.

    Lots of good local 'Craft Beer' here in the Ottawa Valley that have a strong following.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Needs a new keyboard

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    For some reason it was like an instant laxative for me.

  4. #13
    Member for Life

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    A "little" may be fine , but having 5 generations of alcoholics in my family tree, I'm not going to find out.
    " We are more than our gender, skin color, class, sexuality or age; we are unlimited potential, and can not be defined by one label." quote A. Bartlett

  5. #14
    Member for Life

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    I know what you mean Sharon - my father-in-law was an alcoholic - my dear wife told me how their family went through hell when she was growing up - most of the time I was in his company he was half buzzed - would talk like he had marbles in his mouth - luckily he was a small guy and couldn't do too much damage - some of the things he would do were really funny - but when he drank he got mean - I could write a book about some of the things he did - just one -

    Every summer we had a family get together at a farm that had a pond - there was a diving board sticking out into the pond - he's half bussed but decides he wants to go swimming - so he gets his bathing suit on and goes down to the pond - gets on the diving board but instead of diving off the end he dives off the side where the water is real shallow - his head gets stuck in the muck and mud on the bottom - all we see are two skinny legs sticking up out of the water - we all starting running down to the pond figuring he's gonna drown - well he finally falls over and his legs go into the water - he stands up and has mud and weeds all over his head - to this day I can still remember the scene - he was a real character -

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