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Thread: Common Sence Approach to Employee Safety from Covid.

  1. #21
    Elite Member

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    Quote Originally Posted by canadaman30 View Post
    So when over 60percent of Covid deaths in last 7 months in UK are fully-vaccinated, do you dismiss the factual data? Or just ignore it?
    Who mentioned sheep?

    Attachment 42411
    So here's the flaw with what you are saying ... first, what % of the UK population is fully vaccinated?

    Now, here's an example.

    Let's make up a fake country, call it COVIDOPIA.
    In this country ALL of the citizens are double vaccinated. Everyone, even the babies that are born.
    This country has 1 million people.
    The vaccine as we know is not 100% effective ... it is like 93% effective.
    This means 70,000 will still get COVID. And guess what?? 100% of them will have been fully vaccinated ... OMG!!! OMG!!
    The vaccine doesn't work ... because 100% of them are double vaccinated!!!

    FLAW! As the percentage of your population that is double vaccinated grows ... the % vaxxed that will get COVID will also grow.

    Oh so now it's ... well that is proof the vaccine doesn't work! FLAW AGAIN!! DING, DING, DING, DING!!!

    Out of 1 million vaxxed, how many are in ICU? In Ontario it's like 29 (single + double) for 12 million people ... so 2.4 vaxxed per million in ICU.
    Out of 1 million non-vaxxed, how many are in ICU? In Ontario it's like 75 non-vaxxed for 1 million elligible people (doesn't include kids less than 12 years old) ... so thats 75 non-vaxxed per million in ICU!

    Wow 75 vs. 2.4 ... that means you have more than 30 times more chance of going to ICU for COVID if you are not vaxxed!!

    But now tell me ... I shouldn't believe that data ... just the data you find on this mess of an internet ... yeah sure!

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by canadaman30 View Post
    So when over 60percent of Covid deaths in last 7 months in UK are fully-vaccinated, do you dismiss the factual data? Or just ignore it?
    Who mentioned sheep?

    Covid deaths rare among fully vaccinated - ONS
    Published14 September

    Fully vaccinated people are much less likely to die with Covid-19 than those who aren't, or have had only one dose, figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show.

    Out of more than 51,000 Covid deaths in England between January and July 2021, only 256 occurred after two doses.

    They were mostly people at very high risk from illness from Covid-19.

    The figures show the high degree of protection from the vaccines against illness and death, the ONS said.

    Some deaths after vaccination were always expected because vaccines are not 100% effective, and it takes a couple of weeks after your second dose to build the fullest protection.

    Of the 51,281 deaths involving Covid registered in England between 2 January and 2 July 2021:

    640 (1.2%) were people who had received both vaccine doses

    This total includes people who had been infected before they were vaccinated

    Some 458 deaths (0.8%) were people who died at least 21 days after their second dose

    Just 256 deaths (0.5%) were people who were both fully vaccinated and who had their first positive PCR test at least 14 days after their second dose

    "Breakthrough" deaths - occurring at least two weeks after the second jab along with a first positive PCR Covid test - tend to happen in the most vulnerable, men and those with weakened immune systems, with the average age being 84.

    But overall numbers were very small - they accounted for only 0.5% of all deaths from Covid-19 over the first six months of the year.

    Julie Stanborough, from the ONS, said: "Our new analysis shows that, sadly, there have been deaths of people involving Covid-19 despite them being fully vaccinated.

    "However, we've also found that the risk of a death involving Covid-19 is much lower among people who are fully vaccinated than those who are unvaccinated."

    Among those who died after two doses, 13% were immunocompromised, 61% were male and more than 75% were clinically extremely vulnerable.

    In the UK, 80% of people aged 16 and over have had two doses and nearly 90% have had one dose.
    The ONS report can be reviewed here.

  4. #23
    Leads by example

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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    Stop and scrutinize everything ... even your own thoughts ... it is all flawed. No one has the complete version of the truth ... no one.
    Pretty much bang on

  5. #24
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  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by impact View Post
    In the same report page 23 .

    The people who catch the virus after vaccinated loose their N antibody at a much faster rate than the unvaccinated. That will be problematic for the ones who catch it after the vaccine leaving them more susceptible to reinfection.

    I personally think my wife had the original SARs cov 1 . Would make sense if she was the only one that didn't get sick when we thought we had cov 2 she always got what we got.

    So far I don't know anyone that has caught covid who suspected they had it at the beginning. Know a few who got it afterwards but nobody that I know from the beginning.

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  7. #26
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    So here's the flaw with what you are saying ... first, what % of the UK population is fully vaccinated?

    Now, here's an example.

    Let's make up a fake country, call it COVIDOPIA.
    In this country ALL of the citizens are double vaccinated. Everyone, even the babies that are born.
    This country has 1 million people.
    The vaccine as we know is not 100% effective ... it is like 93% effective.
    This means 70,000 will still get COVID. And guess what?? 100% of them will have been fully vaccinated ... OMG!!! OMG!!
    The vaccine doesn't work ... because 100% of them are double vaccinated!!!

    FLAW! As the percentage of your population that is double vaccinated grows ... the % vaxxed that will get COVID will also grow.

    Oh so now it's ... well that is proof the vaccine doesn't work! FLAW AGAIN!! DING, DING, DING, DING!!!

    Out of 1 million vaxxed, how many are in ICU? In Ontario it's like 29 (single + double) for 12 million people ... so 2.4 vaxxed per million in ICU.
    Out of 1 million non-vaxxed, how many are in ICU? In Ontario it's like 75 non-vaxxed for 1 million elligible people (doesn't include kids less than 12 years old) ... so thats 75 non-vaxxed per million in ICU!

    Wow 75 vs. 2.4 ... that means you have more than 30 times more chance of going to ICU for COVID if you are not vaxxed!!

    But now tell me ... I shouldn't believe that data ... just the data you find on this mess of an internet ... yeah sure!
    What's the deal with wearing masks when fully-vaxxed?.. I takeit the same science that says your symptoms will be less when vaxxed. I wasn't aware there's worse symptoms than death. Your vaccines so safe and effective you need yearly boosters

    Never before has a vaccines ineffectiveness been blamed on those who don't take it..

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