October 22nd, 2021, 05:19 PM
Covid vax win
"October 21st, 2021, Bill 12 (Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations the education and Healthcare Sectors Act) in Ontario was defeated in second reading in the Provincial Parliament."
"Bill 12 was a private members bill put forward by Liberal MPP John Fraser and included some pretty broad categories of who fell under this act in the education sector. According to the bill, this would not only force public school teachers to get a government-approved COVID-19 vaccine but private school teachers and even parents who homeschool as well."
"Despite the bill being of Liberal origin, there was total silence from Doug Ford and the conservative party, who have been relying on their new ally in Justin Trudeau to federally mandated force vaccinations and vaccine passports, so Doug Ford can hide from responsibility on these issues he has flip-flopped on."
"That left only Belinda Karahalios as the lone MPP of the New Blue Party to raise public awareness and have constituents lobby their MPPs to shut down the bill. Per the results of today’s vote, she and New Blue were successful in their attempt to stop this massive government overreach as she continues to be a thorn in the side of Doug Ford as he tries to run away from any conservative policy."
"Belinda Karahalios was a former Conservative MPP who was thrown out of the party when she voted against Bill 195, which gave Doug Ford unlimited power to bypass parliament. She was the only MPP to do so; not even MPPs Roman Baber or Randy Hiller, who would later get tossed out of the party, voted with her at the time."
October 22nd, 2021 05:19 PM