October 20th, 2021, 04:02 PM
Barnes TSX/TTSX and Hornady GMX need speed to properly expand as mentioned. They are an excellent bullet when used in Mag calibers at all ranges.
Non Mag calibers will also see great results just short ranges.
Guns have two enemies................rust and government
OFAH and CCFR member
October 20th, 2021 04:02 PM
October 21st, 2021, 08:04 PM
Has too much time on their hands
Guys we all use coppers for most part in our gang. They work extremely well.
I don’t even think about it frankly. Most everyone shoots them in our gang and I have converted a pile of folks to them over the years.
You don’t need to hit heavy bone.
1800 FPS is pretty reasonably attainable a long way down range for most CF.
I also shoot cast. Lots of fun and hardball just punches through.
See what shoots well and off you go.
November 14th, 2022, 03:18 PM
Well I just shot a deer with my handloaded cartridges. 168gr copper alloy bullet sitting on enough IMR 4895 to get it traveling at 2400 fps. Shot the buck at 50m the bullet hit exactly where I was aiming expanded blew off the top of its heart and popped put the other side. Deer dropped dead where it stood. Almost zero meat loss. Results in the field mirror the results in the lab. 10 outta 10 performance.