October 18th, 2021, 01:12 PM
Has too much time on their hands
What amazes me is that despite all the examples of Communism, socialism, democratic socialism that have failed and continue to fail...is the fact.. people say it wasn't done correctly and we propose this way.
The simple fact is socialism requires the need for the "state" to control all means of production and resources to sell those goods and in turn the use the proceeds of the sales to fund the state. NO small or medium size businesses, just corporations and government owning everything.
Free Market Capitalism has lifted billions out of poverty, far more then any "state provided" solutions or programs ever has. It is the reason why the world has prospered the last 100 yrs.
Furthermore for those who say a corporation needs to pay more for my labour, as if you think they owe you something is a false dichotomy. If all that is required is labour, that can be had...but employees don't risk the capital, the investment, the personal sacrifices of the person who does, therefore, they are not entitled to the benefits of the corporation or business.
The reason why minimum wage proponents have traction is because those who are wages slaves don't see the real problem. That is Government that is taking the lion share of wages in pre-tax (cheque), or after tax consumption taxation. The first year of $14hr implementation the government took an additional 503 million in tax revenue. But somehow the people don't see the evil government as the first thief of their money, and shift blame to evil corporations.. they work hand with each other.
The perfect example of that is Wynne's $14.00 hour an our wage. Immediately it improved lives of the people, however, businesses quickly raised prices and any wage gains were negated by costs of living increases.
The Carbon Tax is just another revenue tool implemented by government to service the debt payment which keeps growing every month, causing the monthly payment to get higher on the debt. In fact every new tax or fee is to offset deficit spending instead of reining in spending and living within existing means of taxation.
All those promises come with implied tax increases to pay for them..they just don't tell you up front. UBI/CERB is a perfect example
Mark Snow, Leader Of The, Ontario Libertarian Party
October 18th, 2021 01:12 PM