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Thread: Don't mess with Texas

  1. #11
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by fishfood View Post
    How is it stupidity when clearly we have inflated the deaths to make it more serious . To be taken seriously they should not have changed the guidelines to how we classified the dead.

    When you include everyone that died with the disease instead of from the disease you are misleading the deaths.

    This is nothing more than to stir the world and reshape society and the economy.

    When this first came out they pushed that it had a death rate of 3% far greater than it is . Now with heavily inflated deaths it's about a half % death rate unless our useless testing is completely screwed. It was said by the inventor that it should never be used to test for a disease during a pandemic. It's very inaccurate testing at the threshold they are testing at.

    That is why we had so many people with no symptoms from a bunk test .

    Just my opinion . When places get incentives for having positive cases and death it's now a game of money.

    Why can doctors no longer do what they have always done and use their own decisions how they treat patients.

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    This would be the reason

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cramadog2 View Post
    You antis should move down there. Then you could legally open carry your handgun and take it to an Astros baseball game and think your dry firing it every time the Astros scored a run or whatever and shoot your buddy in the stomach. Stupidity in Texas and Florida.
    If 2020 was such a crisis why did the nurses have time to do all them dance rehearsals for tic toc ? A real disaster in a time of need the ones looking after us are just fooling around.

    Even during a pandemic with heavily inflated deaths didn't jump our yearly deaths with a big difference in numbers.

    So who's being had someone is.

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  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by FishHog View Post
    As good as it sounds when I read their stats I’m kind of glad I’m not there

    Lists cases first then deaths
    Texas, US
    In the Past 28 Days: 292,105 | 6,714
    Totals: 4,139,257 | 67,062
    Total Incidence Rate: 14,275.33 per 100,000 people
    Total Case-Fatality Ratio: 1.62

    You probably won't believe it will you

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by cramadog2 View Post
    You probably won't believe it will you
    Your still not seeing the bigger picture .
    We could have replicated this but worse with the regular flu back in 2017 2018.

    This has been manipulated since the start. For what a political opportunity?

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    Last edited by fishfood; October 14th, 2021 at 09:33 AM.

  6. #15
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    Some truths

    When are we going to talk about the truth and reality of this virus . ?

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