September 25th, 2021, 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by
A thousand of the same loudmouths blocking traffic again in Toronto this weekend versus the millions of Ontarians who are fully vaccinated. 44,871 vaccine doses were delivered today alone.
You’ve missed the point if you think those people will ever be “fully vaccinated”
The best part about being a "conspiracy theorist" is not having myocarditis.
Roses are red, violets are blue, taxation is theft, inflation is too.
September 25th, 2021 02:36 PM
September 25th, 2021, 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by
You’ve missed the point if you think those people will ever be “fully vaccinated”
The point is that for every singe protestor in Dundas Square over 400 people received the vaccine in Ontario today.
September 25th, 2021, 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by
The point is that for every singe protestor in Dundas Square over 400 people received the vaccine in Ontario today.
The point is that both vaccinated and unvaccinated are protesting the vaccine mandate.
And if you think that is a protest, have a look at Europe and Australia where there is a bloody civil war in the streets against it.
Propaganda agents and MSM won't report on that though. It's contrary to the narrative.