September 22nd, 2021, 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by
One thing the PPC has which the Conservatives have long thrown out the window is actually defending conservative positions.
Much of what you have pointed out is true. ...but the reasoning is as Erin said; "We're not your dad's Conservative Party anymore"
They will never Govern Canada unless they are more progressive. Tight control of the purse strings, a main Conservative platform (balanced budget etc.) doesn't matter to a society now who lives with crippling personal debt as just part of making life easier and having nicer things in life.
No one want's 'Dad" at the helm anymore...everyone wants the cool 'Uncle' who slips you a 5 spot every time he sees you.
I grew up with the Reform Party and Preston Manning. Even he realized that the infighting on the right was never going to beat the Liberals;
The 1997 federal election convinced Manning and others that the continued vote splitting between Reform and the Progressive Conservatives needed to be addressed if Canada was to ever get a conservative oriented federal government. At the May 1998 Reform Convention in London, Ontario, Manning therefore proposed an effort to create a United Alternative to the Liberals and a process for exploring the possibility of bringing Reform and the Progressive Conservatives together. A resolution endorsing the United Alternative proposal was then debated and passed by a vote of 91 percent in favour.
This past election saw exactly that with the PPC....that needs to be addressed.
And he wasn't wrong;
“There are hundreds of Canadian communities that have given more thought to hiring their rink manager than they have to electing their member of Parliament.”
-- Preston Manning
September 22nd, 2021 06:50 AM
September 22nd, 2021, 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by
One thing the PPC has which the Conservatives have long thrown out the window is actually defending conservative positions.
They simply are afraid of the debate when it comes to gun control for example, so much so that they can defend a rollback of some of the recent regulations performed by Trudeau. O'Toole was afraid to debate that federal positions shouldn't be restricted based on vax pass, or trains, flights. They are so afraid to take on the Vaxxy Media Machine that they simply give up every rational position that might actually help us. Rather than say "we can't afford increased benefits while dealing with the medical emergency" and defending that position, they just throw money like liberals and NDP. I think their pitch was just that they would be "liberals with better management". That could be a sneaky strategy just to get in, especially when everything has moved much further left, and especially in mega liberal hell-holes like Toronto, but it alienates actual conservatives.
Looking at the Conservative party of 2021, they simply don't hold a single conservative position. They are in liberal/NDP frame.
If CPC and their supporters had spent as much time going after the Libs and NDP as they did the PPC...
Either you wanted to defeat Justin Trudeau and stand a better chance of keeping your guns or you didn't. The PPC didn't.
September 22nd, 2021, 08:25 AM
Although not winning any seats there are now 800,000 PPC voters who are awake and fully aware of the corruption that exists in our political system.
The under current is growing stronger day by day. It is no longer business as usual.
Politicians will be made accountable.
I would say that this call for election was a huge mistake by Trudeau.
September 22nd, 2021, 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by
Although not winning any seats there are now 800,000 PPC voters who are awake and fully aware of the corruption that exists in our political system.
The under current is growing stronger day by day. It is no longer business as usual.
Politicians will be made accountable.
I would say that this call for election was a huge mistake by Trudeau.
I'd agree it puts data on the table to consider.
I still don't see this major revolution that some on here have been speaking of for over 1 year now.
I do see that PPC votes could have made a huge difference to the outcome if the voted CPC ... it would have as a minimum almost completely closed the gap in the quantity of seats help between Liberals and CPC ... and if we are truly talking about 25 seats ... that would have probably been enough to have a CPC minority government.
So PPC in the end helped Turdeau get his minority government back ... that's the outcome we have to live with for at least 2 years, possibly 4.
September 22nd, 2021, 05:40 PM
Has too much time on their hands
I said 25.... more likely 15 to 20 based on the count mentioned here.
"In 21 ridings across the country, the size of the PPC vote was greater than the number of votes by which the Conservative candidate lost that riding: 12 in Ontario, five in B.C., two in Alberta, one in Quebec and one in Newfoundland.
Fourteen of those losses were to Liberals, while six went to the NDP and one to the Bloc Quebecois."
Hope Max got a trip to Agha Khan island or something nice from Justlied.
Let's look the Libs would go 158 would be 144 and Conservative 119 would be 129 and PPC had 6% so instead of 34% support say 39% and still not enough seats to take it from the power grabbers.... that failed even at that. Libs did the usual and wasted money and the only consolation is that Monsef lost... maybe now someone might look at her lying on her immigration, seems Trudeau has said those that lie should loose it.
Last edited by mosquito; September 22nd, 2021 at 05:50 PM.
September 23rd, 2021, 04:11 AM
By the numbers being thrown around, about 7% of PC voters looked around at available info and informed themselves then decided to change their vote to PPC.
If the same number of Lib voters actually looked into themselves and why they are voting the same people in then this is the change needed.
Sheep are going to follow the same sheepdog even while the wolf keeps picking away at the week in the flock until none are left.
September 23rd, 2021, 09:31 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Originally Posted by
By the numbers being thrown around, about 7% of PC voters looked around at available info and informed themselves then decided to change their vote to PPC.
If the same number of Lib voters actually looked into themselves and why they are voting the same people in then this is the change needed.
Sheep are going to follow the same sheepdog even while the wolf keeps picking away at the week in the flock until none are left.
Well you can take a horse to water but you can't make them drink, you can take a Liberal to truth but not make them think.
"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it" - George Orwell
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” ? George Orwell
“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” George Orwell
There is much in the warnings by Solzhenitsyn and Orwell that shows the path we are but this one really shows it I think with this govt. Censorship bill, OIC, coverups and secrecy acts.... accomplices want those things and if it has to do with firearms, ignorance and fear mongering are working.
“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.” - George Orwell
Illegal storage, seizure of selected models in the OIC ..... that firearm is more likely to put you in jail than the local criminals.
Just as a side note the CCFR challenge and Ian Runkles challenge to the OIC are still ongoing, even with the Liberals invoking the secrecy act why they created the OIC in the first place. Support the CCFR, Ian, CSSA etc.