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Thread: Vaccine for children under 12

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by huntervinni View Post
    You have to stop with this false info about kids getting vaccines or kids not being allowed to go to school if not vaxed. It's false......lots of kids have not had any vaccines.
    No, you are wrong, there are minimal exemptions for school aged kids going to school. In some cases they are not allowed to go if they do not have proof of vaccinations.

    Read the link below, period. Yes you can lose it and say that you will not do it, fill out a bunch of forms, etc, but it is the law to be vaccinated to go to school in Ontario.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    No, you are wrong, there are minimal exemptions for school aged kids going to school. In some cases they are not allowed to go if they do not have proof of vaccinations.

    Read the link below, period. Yes you can lose it and say that you will not do it, fill out a bunch of forms, etc, but it is the law to be vaccinated to go to school in Ontario.
    Even with experimental ones?

  4. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by greatwhite View Post
    You definitely are and the BS kinda reminds me of Trudeau.
    You really need to stay off the bottle this time of night as you are definitely drunk!

  5. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    No, you are wrong, there are minimal exemptions for school aged kids going to school. In some cases they are not allowed to go if they do not have proof of vaccinations.

    Read the link below, period. Yes you can lose it and say that you will not do it, fill out a bunch of forms, etc, but it is the law to be vaccinated to go to school in Ontario.
    You just proved to me that there are exemptions so how am I wrong? Are we not speaking English clearly enough for I said, there are some kids who have not had any vaccines and are going to school, period full stop.

  6. #15
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    I read a study earlier in the week that they had begun doing anti-body testing of kids under 6 to see if they had developed natural immunity from the Covid virus and therefore be exempt from requiring the vaccination.

    The results found that 22% of the kids in this age group, had at some point contracted and recovered from the Covid 19 virsu.

    (side note, my extrapolation is that would be the same statistically in the general population if not higher)

    I read this morning that Isreal is also going to do a mass campaign to check their population of kids to see how 'immune' they are.

    Israel Kicks Off COVID Antibody Testing of 1.4 Million Children
    New antibody survey among 3- to 12-year-olds, headed by Education and Health Ministries together with IDF Home Front Command, aims to measure extent to which COVID spread undetected among Israeli children
    The assumption is that many children were infected over the past year and a half but showed no symptoms, and therefore were never diagnosed.
    Israel’s authorities hope that a significant proportion of children ages 3-12, who are not currently eligible for vaccination, will be found to have antibodies and will thus be eligible for a Green Pass, exempting them from mandatory isolation should they be exposed to someone COVID-positive, and from COVID-19 testing which is now mandatory in order to enter sites and attractions. They will be able to maintain their daily routine, including attending school, and will reduce the burden on the education and healthcare systems.
    read more:

    It's a logical response and why Canada hasn't keyed into it for the general population to find out how many unrecorded cases of Covid resulted in having immunity to the virus who knows. And why hasn't Health Canada used it to confirm that Canada has already achieved herd immunity?

    And why is this, a 15 minute blood test, not the only baseline for granting the so called 'Passport' and access to those places demanding Mandatory Vaccinations.

  7. #16
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  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by huntervinni View Post
    You just proved to me that there are exemptions so how am I wrong? Are we not speaking English clearly enough for I said, there are some kids who have not had any vaccines and are going to school, period full stop.
    There are also some federal employees that will be allowed to go to work without being vaccinated, it does not mean it has not been mandated, but I guess your English is a problem.

    There are many places in the world where you cannot step food without vaccinations.

  9. #18
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    Why on earth would we put this in our most precious possessions....when it is completely proven that children are not at risk.....more kids have been killed by lightning strikes than all covid deaths in children......its almost like our perception has been washed makes me sick to my stomach......
    This isn't a test run................Enjoy er'.......

  10. #19
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    Something I haven't heard from public health officials or doctors in all of this.

    Why kids have strong immune systems:

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