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Thread: How COVID-19 impacts the fully vaccinated

  1. #51
    Member for Life

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    Quote Originally Posted by fishfood View Post
    What is Canada going to look like in the next few months? By September Ontario could have more than a thousand new cases per day more than last year at that time.
    Can't use case counts...they are notoriously misleading.

    And with 66% (Ont) fully vaccinated and only the small percentage of Delta patients ending up in the ICU it's impossible we will never reach the same numbers sick as we had before we started vaccinating the most at risk. If we do, the vaccine will have failed.

    One thing the vaccine does do, it prevents you from needing least within the vast majority of people.

    The village idiot has more than enough vaccines in the freezer he can throw into the 'at-risk' group (like Israel is doing) as 'booster' shots.
    Last edited by MikePal; August 23rd, 2021 at 07:15 AM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #52
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    Has anyone not noticed that these stats that are appearing on every newscast,now, are from the UN-vaccinated people or those who have only had ONE shot? These reports quite clearly and deliberately form a distinct subset of citizens where those numbers are being "super spun" to further drive the pro-vax agenda on the conscientious objector and rabid anti-vaxxers. It drives an entirely false dichotomy because if the numbers were compared to those who've already been fully vaxxed,the new numbers would be so infinitesimally small that they'd be instantly regarded as a non-issue. We can't have that,now,can we? The fearmongering and political bullshytery must never stop. I'm sick and tired of the whole thing. I think they're full of crap...the whole lot of them.
    Last edited by trimmer21; August 23rd, 2021 at 02:49 PM.

  4. #53
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    This has been going on for a while Trimmer. Even our Prime Minister called out those who are not participating in his grand scheme.
    I wonder what is really afoot. It's irrational, in a Free and Democratic society, to demand 100 % compliance on a contentious issue that flies in the face of one's basic Human Rights.

    The vaccine has proven to reduce the infection rate, so with almost 70% fully vaccinated, it's impossible to have a 4th wave of any great magnitude, especially with a Variant that has proven to be much milder, with fewer hospitalizations.

    Smoke and mirrors !!

  5. #54
    Leads by example

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    Quote Originally Posted by fishfood View Post
    Israel was praised for the high vaccine rollout just a few months back . They are now the Covid capital of the world.
    More severe cases in ICU are fully vaccinated over 60. They only have room for a few hundred more people in the hospital then they will have no choice but to shut down again.
    Plus they have given out more than a million boosters.

    What is Canada going to look like in the next few months? By September Ontario could have more than a thousand new cases per day more than last year at that time.

    Sent from my CLT-L04 using Tapatalk
    Of coarse they've got the highest covid cases......there's 1k scientists being g silenced as to why......the vaxed people's immune systems are deteriorating at rapid speed....this winter is gonna be an eye opener....
    This isn't a test run................Enjoy er'.......

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