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Thread: Another Costly Mistake

  1. #1
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    Default Another Costly Mistake

    Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq , Afghanistan - on and on - when will people realize that a bunch of buffoons are running our country - we spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of lives and look what happened in Afghanistan - the same thing in the other wars - trillions of dollars and thousands of dead - for what - I know this might sound controversial but I think any guy who serves in the military needs to reconsider that decision - must realize that a bunch of stupid politicians are going to make decisions that can kill you or wound you so bad that you will be crippled the rest of your life - I've listened to some of the people running our government trying to explain what is happening in Afghanistan - all I can say is that we have a bunch of dummies running things and that is why things are going south - stay out of the military - this is from a Korean combat vet - who saw what these stupid politicians can cause -

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    They are not dumb, we are dumb for letting them do this. I am sure the plans are already in place to make it right, by that I mean a plan in place to make millions if not billions off of this. They are not the dumbs ones, they are playing a game most never know.
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  4. #3
    Leads by example

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    They know exactly what they're doing....and whatever it is...the focus definitely isn't on it......its focused on this distraction..
    This isn't a test run................Enjoy er'.......

  5. #4
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    Once you realize that for our entire lives we have been manipulated by the Global Elites for the sheer sake of greed, money and their perverse pleasures it becomes impossible to forgive and forget. The Great Awakening.

  6. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by JoePa View Post
    Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq , Afghanistan - on and on - when will people realize that a bunch of buffoons are running our country - we spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of lives and look what happened in Afghanistan - the same thing in the other wars - trillions of dollars and thousands of dead - for what - I know this might sound controversial but I think any guy who serves in the military needs to reconsider that decision - must realize that a bunch of stupid politicians are going to make decisions that can kill you or wound you so bad that you will be crippled the rest of your life - I've listened to some of the people running our government trying to explain what is happening in Afghanistan - all I can say is that we have a bunch of dummies running things and that is why things are going south - stay out of the military - this is from a Korean combat vet - who saw what these stupid politicians can cause -
    When America fought for its independence there was a solid body of the population determine to fight and die to throw off what they viewed as a tyrannical ruler. They reach out to France for a measure of assistance. Eventually a democratic republic was formed. The evolution of democracies usually needs to develop from the inside of a nation. Unfortunately if the desire for democracy doesn’t come from the inside, it is not likely to meet with any measure of success. Some democratic countries seek to expand the notion of democracy across the world. They feel it’s a great idea that should be enjoyed world wide.. There in lies the problem. In Afghanistan there are those who have through one way or another been exposed to what democracy can be like. Unfortunately they lack the incentive to make it happen, and they are surround by country men who have a tribal mentality, with little interest to change. In the meantime some world democracies coming from the outside attempt to lay a democratic trip on the tribally inclined. It’s never going to work, until the tribal mind set is abandon and there is an inside movement towards democratic development. The blame for what is current happening in Afghanistan today lies squarely on the shoulders of the western democracies who stuck their nose into another country’s jurisdiction, where it didn’t belong. .

    You don’t stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting
    - Gun Nut

  7. #6

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    “The son of Afghanistan's most famed anti-Taliban fighter says he has the forces to mount an effective resistance, but called on the United States to supply arms and ammunition to his militia. In an op-ed published Wednesday in The Washington Post, Ahmad Massoud said "America can still be a great arsenal of democracy" by supporting his fighters. Massoud said the Taliban poses a threat beyond Afghanistan's borders. "Under Taliban control, Afghanistan will without doubt become ground zero of radical Islamist terrorism; plots against democracies will be hatched here once again." Massoud said his fighters are ready for the coming conflict, but need American assistance. Massoud said that, after 20 years, the US and Afghanistan have shared "ideals and struggles" and he asked Washington to continue supporting the "cause of freedom" rather than abandon Afghans to the Taliban.”

    Massoud seems to be saying all the right things, but the question is what is his end game? Is it a sincere attempt to promote a move toward democracy or simply a move towards tribal in fighting to replace the Taliban in order to gain tribal superiority for his own clan With 6000 people attempting to flee the country, he appears to be losing a lot of potential underground support. It would appear there are many who might wish to pursue democracy, but just not in Afghanistan.

    You don’t stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
    - Gun Nut

  8. #7
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    Sent from my SM-G960W using Tapatalk

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by impact View Post
    Once you realize that for our entire lives we have been manipulated by the Global Elites for the sheer sake of greed, money and their perverse pleasures it becomes impossible to forgive and forget. The Great Awakening.
    Julian Assange

  10. #9
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    Thanks Bowjob for that video - what that vet said is exactly how I feel - while guys are fighting and dying in foreign countries the fat cats here at home are making money and leading the good life - and then to add more insult they don't even recognize the sacrifices made - and as far as judges go - most are just a bunch of political hacks who push their own agenda and disregard the law - I've seen it many times -

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