August 2nd, 2021, 07:43 AM
Prevention and Treatment Protocols for COVID-19
Ask yourself this question.
Why are governments withholding this information from people in favor of an experimental vaccine?
"In October of 2020, ivermectin was adopted as a core medication in our protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. For more information on ivermectin please go to our new Ivermectin in COVID-19page. You can also read our review paper, which was published in the May 1, 2021, edition of the American Journal of Therapeutics as the “Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19”.
"The I-MASS Protocol was created for generalized distribution during mass outbreaks and in low-resource countries. To achieve maximal impact as well as ease of deployment with the lowest burden of required elements, the I-MASS treatment approach is centered on the fewest, core, high impact elements such as the drug Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine that is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, has been given 3.7 billion times around the globe, and has won the Nobel prize in 2015 for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world.
Ivermectin has proven to be highly potent against COVID-19. It has shown antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties in observational and randomized controlled studies conducted throughout the world. Practitioners and Health Ministries who have adopted Ivermectin in treatment protocols report significant reductions in time to recovery, hospitalizations, and death. The use of Ivermectin as prophylaxis and prevention has also been proven in studies to reduce the spread of infection and offer protection to high-risk individuals.
Also included in the protocol are Vitamin D3, Melatonin, Aspirin, a multivitamin, a thermometer, and an antiseptic mouthwash. The evidence for supporting the other vitamins and medicine can be found here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/covi...nal-medicines/.
The FLCCC peer-reviewed paper summarizing this data has been published in the American Journal of Therapeutics: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/.
Further supportive information can also be found here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/.
Additional treatment protocols for COVID-19, including for hospitalized patients, can be found at https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/.
Support for Ivermectin in the use of prophylaxis can be found here: https://scivisionpub.com/pdfs/ivermectin-as-prophylaxis-against-covid19-retrospective-cases-evaluati…"
Last edited by impact; August 2nd, 2021 at 07:45 AM.
August 2nd, 2021 07:43 AM
August 2nd, 2021, 07:57 AM
It's a catch 22. The jab can't be continued under emergency use authorization if there are therapeutics available that treat the condition. Big Pharma mainly Phyzer has a clause in their contract with government that therapeutics must be suppressed. Moderna was created in lock step with the CDC to roll out the vaccine.
August 2nd, 2021, 09:01 AM
The WHO organization said there is a treatment and way to end this but didn't elaborate on what that was.
Maybe he was still talking about the vaccine lol.
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August 2nd, 2021, 09:05 AM
Being over weight is a big comorbidity why is there no talk of people becoming healthier and making better life style changes.?
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August 2nd, 2021, 10:59 AM
Government flip-flops.
Here is another example on how they lie to your face and cannot be trusted.
August 2nd, 2021, 11:15 AM
Yup..the message is clear..they want everyone, 100% of the population and willing to push it to mandatory inoculations..to get their magic elixir into your veins.
August 2nd, 2021, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by
Being over weight is a big comorbidity why is there no talk of people becoming healthier and making better life style changes.?
Silly boy..that would mean people taking responsibility for their actions and the consequences HaHa.
August 3rd, 2021, 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by
Being over weight is a big comorbidity why is there no talk of people becoming healthier and making better life style changes.?
Sent from my CLT-L04 using Tapatalk
I haven't seen a cigarette commercials on T.V. for years I can't understand why. Apparently it was an effort to stop people from smoking, because of health concerns. Yet we have pizza ads, A&W ads, Burger King, KFC, Poppy's, Dairy Queen, McDonalds, and Tim Horton's all great locations for a quick bite. After they did away with smokes I suppose they had to come up with an other means of allowing people to develop poor health behaviors. They appear to have found it. The motivation is no longer tar and nicotine your lungs, but to up your belly fat and blood sugar. Same end results, just a more pleasurable approach to getting there. Not only that it covers a broader spectrum of the public, there is no restriction on those under 18 eating.
You don't stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
- Gun Nut
Last edited by Gun Nut; August 3rd, 2021 at 04:33 AM.
August 3rd, 2021, 06:13 AM
In 2018, 26.8% of Canadians 18 and older (roughly 7.3 million adults) reported height and weight that classified them as obese. Another 9.9 million adults (36.3%) were classified as overweight – bringing
the total population with increased health risks due to excess weight to 63.1% in 2018
And as we know that leads to Diabetes :
: Do people with diabetes have a higher chance of serious complications from COVID-19?
A: People with diabetes are more likely to have serious complications from COVID-19.
In general, people with diabetes are more likely to have more severe symptoms and complications when infected with any virus.
Your risk of getting very sick from COVID-19 is likely to be lower if your diabetes is well-managed. Having heart disease or other complications in addition to diabetes could worsen the chance of getting seriously ill from COVID-19, like other viral infections, because more than one condition makes it harder for your body to fight the infection.