July 20th, 2021, 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by
The fact that there's only 600 icu beds in all of Ontario is pretty nuts as it is......when half were taken up by 90 year olds waiting to be placed in a home.....ya...there's gonna be some shuffling going on.....the way these stats have been manipulated....you'd think the plague was upon us......
Yup, I have to admit, I was shocked by how few beds we have ... like is the problem COVID, or the lack of infrastructure?
All this being locked up, getting vaccines ... all of it was due to "avoiding a situation where we overwhelm and run out of ICU beds."
Got to wonder ... now that the wheels are turning again ... how much did the vaccine cost us vs. how much would it have cost us to
open up more ICU capacity?
July 20th, 2021 12:52 PM
July 20th, 2021, 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by
Yup, I have to admit, I was shocked by how few beds we have ... like is the problem COVID, or the lack of infrastructure?
All this being locked up, getting vaccines ... all of it was due to "avoiding a situation where we overwhelm and run out of ICU beds."
Got to wonder ... now that the wheels are turning again ... how much did the vaccine cost us vs. how much would it have cost us to
open up more ICU capacity?
It's crazy......you'd think the hospitals were over flowing...as of yesterday....there are 30 patients in Newmarkets' available 49. Out of those 30....0 were for covid.....if one person goes in tomorrow....it will be written that there's a 100% increase of covid patients now in Newmarket..........
This isn't a test run................Enjoy er'.......
July 20th, 2021, 02:01 PM
A little off topic but this from statscan. Lock downs have killed far more people under 65 than covid, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
July 22nd, 2021, 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by
So your suggesting the lockdowns worked and saved lives?
July 22nd, 2021, 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by
So your suggesting the lockdowns worked and saved lives?
I guess you're having an issue with comprehension, you should read it again to see if that helps.
July 22nd, 2021, 09:17 PM
That is correct and I suspect that number will increase going forward. It would not surprise me if the total lost of life do to shutdowns is greater then the number who died from covid.
Originally Posted by
July 23rd, 2021, 08:03 AM
I think the government needs to now STOP making decisions on COVID cases by day.
It's almost meaningless now.
With the vaccine (even if the population is 100% double vaccinated) ... WE WILL ALL STILL GET COVID.
The vaccine is not a cure ... it does not prevent you from getting covid.
The ONLY thing it does (or supposed to do) is reduce the severity of the illness.
With 80% of the Ontario population with one shot, and 70% with two ... it is just about time that the number of new
covid cases a day doesn't matter anymore ... in fact we EXPECT it to go up big time!! The vaccine let's us get out, mingle,
etc ... and with increased interaction OF COURSE the numbers will go up ... and in the same time WHO CARES?
The only thing that should matter now is rising number of HOSPITAL STAYS ... severe enough to require ongoing medical
attention (more than one day's stay ... and I'm being nice with that, we can easily increase to more than 2 or 3 days stay).
All the VACCINE was here to do is prevent our medical system from being overwhelmed ... that's it. So now put a metric
out there that is meaningful to specifically that risk ... number of new hospital/ICU cases per day. That's it!
July 26th, 2021, 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by
Why? Me you and any anyone else on this forum have no idea how to interrupt the information. Sounds like you have already come to some conclusion based on google search but based on my limited experience if they are in the ICU they are vented and they are just trying to keep them alive.
Bandwagon, I’m sorry I didn’t see your plight earlier. It’s not that those on the forum “have no idea how to interrupt the information.” Any information worst of all STATS can be twist to substantiate any point of view. If you have an agenda to push the information is their to display. Unfortunately if there is a real live drama unfolding in front of you. Drawing others into that drama is difficult when they have decide it doesn’t exist, or have no comprehension of what is entailed. The subject of teachers came up a while back, I got the impression that a number on the forum fell the teacher have a 30 or 40 hour workweek, they go to school in the morning come home after school have supper and then kickback and may be watch T.V. Wouldn't that be wonderful and you get the two month break over the summer. Even if I’m generous and allow 1 hour prep time for 1 hour of class time that 30 hour week, doubles two a 60 hour week. In some cases its 3 hour prep time for each hour of class time. There is a big difference from viewing the surface of things and seeing the stress and strains generate by the underling reality. You said your spouse is an ICU nurse, I can’t begin to imagine the magnitude the strain she has had to go through during this pandemic. It not the fact that this virus is likely to wipe huge numbers of the population. It’s the fact that it is exhausting. which from the beginning of the pandemic was already an over burden health care system. The push to have people vaccinated is not a cure all for this virus. It’s simply a need to reduce the pressure on the health care system. Honest guys, on my last vaccination shot, the pharmacist was putting the patch over the needle hole, when I was asking him when he was going to be sticking in the needle.
You don’t stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
- Gun Nut.
Last edited by Gun Nut; July 26th, 2021 at 07:19 AM.