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Thread: Some True Hunting Stories

  1. #1
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    Default Some True Hunting Stories

    Years ago I was in a tavern having a couple beers with a buddy - it was small game season here in Pa. - a couple hunters came into the place - we asked them if they got anything - a couple rabbits and a trout - a trout? - ya - what happened was one of the guys was walking along a stream and a trout took off up the stream - he shot it - never forgot that - it sure was different -

    One of my close friends that I went hunting with built a deer stand up a tree - it was made out of wood and took some effort to get the materials needed back in the woods where he hunted - the first day of deer season he goes to his deer stand and some guy is sitting in it - my friend tells the guy that he put up the deer stand and he wants to use it - the guy up the tree ignores him and won't exit the stand - so my friend puts a pile of wood around the tree and sets it on fire - the fire and the smoke convinced the guy to find another place to hunt

    Years ago there was a park that had too many deer so the game commission gave out tags to cull the herd - some bunch of animal rights people tried to stop the hunt - on the day when hunting started 5 of us got into the back of a pickup truck and drove into the park - at the entrance was a bunch protestors - bunch of women and one guy - they started hollering at us as we drove by - calling us all kinds of names - we each shot a doe that day - we knew that the protestors would be at the entrance as we drove out so we arranged the deer with their butts facing out of the truck - one guy dropped his pants and mooned the protestors as we drove by them - man you should have heard them holler - I still have to laugh when I think about it -

    Funny things can happen when your hunting -

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    I never tire of hearing hunt camp stories. Thanks for sharing JoePa.

    This morning, a bald eagle picked off a fish a mere 100 meters from where we were trolling.
    Can't beat the master fisher bird. Just wish I had a camera rolling.
    Beautiful sight to see.
    We did alright though. Brought home a couple of smallmouth for the frying pan.
    The rest went back into the lake for the master to pick off another day....

  4. #3
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    When I was probably 12 or 13 I was out on a hunt with my dad, I would just sit there as he hunted with the crossbow as I was not allowed to come up for the gun hunt and miss school. Well, no deer but we had a red fox come up and roll in our foot prints (we had doe pee on our boots) not 5ft from us. When the fox noticed us it jumped higher than I ever expected a fox to jump and high tailed it.

    I was out on the gun hunt, walking the bush pushing towards the group in a line. I noticed some very fresh rabbit tracks with blood in them, decided to track the rabbit and saw it just sitting there. I got close enough, squatted down and reached out quickly grabbing it by the legs. There was blood pumping out near the neck, I suspect it had been hit by a hawk or owl before I showed up. I actually caught a cottontail with my bare hands and had it for dinner that night back at the house, not a shot was taken by anyone in the gang during the push but dinner was delicious.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    I actually caught a cottontail with my bare hands and had it for dinner that night back at the house, not a shot was taken by anyone in the gang during the push but dinner was delicious.
    How did you do it up ? One cottontail has barely enough to feed one person HaHa...
    Last edited by MikePal; July 20th, 2021 at 02:44 PM.

  6. #5
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Had a cow moose walk up on me while bear hunting, we both stood face-to-face couple feet apart for 5 minutes. I finally raised my rifle with one hand to give her a poke and move on. She took the opportunity to sniff the muzzle, leave some nose juice and finally moved on her way.

    Some of the best moments of hunting have nothing to do with taking game.

  7. #6
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    I might have posted this somewhere,here,before,but,after I set my lunch pack down behind my deer watch,I heard a rustling sound,turned to look in time to watch a big Blackie make off with my lunch. I didn't hear him come in. It was wet and he was absolutely silent. I got my Thermos and ammo back,but,lunch was long gone.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikePal View Post
    How did you do it up ? One cottontail has barely enough to feed one person HaHa...
    It was not the only animal that was cooked up, ha ha.

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