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Thread: 22 years

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    In every police and sheriff office in America,after Chauvin gets put away for at least 15 years,there better be a lot of officers with smartass attitudes heading for either retirement or alternative employment and they better be doing it damn quick,too.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmer21 View Post
    In every police and sheriff office in America,after Chauvin gets put away for at least 15 years,there better be a lot of officers with smartass attitudes heading for either retirement or alternative employment and they better be doing it damn quick,too.
    Oh ya, fully agree with that.

  4. #13
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    Did you notice the same thing - while kneeling on Floyd's neck, during the trial and the sentencing Chauvin had the same look on his face - he didn't show any emotion at all - almost like he was a doll or something - or made out of wood -

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoePa View Post
    Did you notice the same thing - while kneeling on Floyd's neck, during the trial and the sentencing Chauvin had the same look on his face - he didn't show any emotion at all - almost like he was a doll or something - or made out of wood -
    I honestly think he's still figuring on walking away from this and it's nothing but a minor inconvenience that he may have to wait until his lawyers get him out. He hinted as much when he turned and addressed the family and the Judge stating that he couldn't make an adequate statement at the moment and that more information will be forthcoming that should make the family more relieved whatever that means. No doubt,there's an appeal coming where more evidence will be submitted. Right now,he's beinh housed in a local lock-up. When he gets off the bus at the BIG house,that's when it'll dawn on him that he's really screwed himself. Personally,I think one of the skells will whack him and move to the head of the class for killing a cop.

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