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Thread: Trudeau needs to stop the Winnipeg Lab cover up - largest breach in history, by Chinese military

  1. #1
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Angry Trudeau needs to stop the Winnipeg Lab cover up - largest breach in history, by Chinese military

    Trudeau needs to stop the Winnipeg Lab cover up

    The Trudeau Liberals allowed researchers connected to the Chinese military to access a high-security Canadian lab, and allowed deadly viruses to be shipped to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

    Head of Lab resigns, Trudeau does another coverup.

    Details lacking.....
    Last edited by mosquito; June 12th, 2021 at 05:04 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    I did mention a little while ago that this would circle back to Canada. The whole world is watching.
    Ready for a new government?

  4. #3
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Just to make your day as a bit more comes out slowly about the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army training in Canada we continue with the virus coverup... they say no corona-viruses were shipped.

    "We have a researcher who was removed by the RCMP from the highest security laboratory that Canada has for reasons that government is unwilling to disclose. The intelligence remains secret. But what we know is that before she was removed, she sent one of the deadliest viruses on Earth, and multiple varieties of it to maximize the genetic diversity and maximize what experimenters in China could do with it, to a laboratory in China that does dangerous gain of function experiments. And that has links to the Chinese military."

    If that had not happened, the scientists would have placed on an Air Canada flight, several of them actually, a deadly virus incorrectly packaged. That nearly happened," Attaran said.

    The package was routed from Winnipeg to Toronto and then to Beijing on a commercial Air Canada flight on Mar. 31, 2019.

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