May 27th, 2021, 03:23 AM
Which facts are those Glen?
Things that an expert in medical ethics has serious problems with? Not the least of which is when anything that is said/questioned that doesn’t go along with the narrative the response is dismiss. Ridicule etc and we’re seeing in this thread?
Why do you think Companies and others hire influencers in Social media theses days. Why are they even called influencers? Because manipulating people to do this or that is ineffective? To guide and influence “sheep”.
With respect to social media, this wouldn’t be the first time , things like cancel culture, virtue signaling, etc have been mentioned.
Some might change their profile pics to “I’m vaxed” because they are feeling needy and want some likes. Some to feel part of a group, some because it’s virtuous.
The reality is, there is no need. That is, unless of coarse it’s the only way a person communicates with close friends and family. Which in itself is sad, albeit a different topic. But does also touch on “public discourse”
I don’t know about anyone else, but I tend to talk about things I’m doing with close friends and family. Meaning by the time I got my shot, they knew...Did your spouses, parents, children, close friends not know???? This the need to announce it to the world?
If society has reached a point where we all need to change profile pics, to declare “we stand with you Notre Dame”, or “I’m vaxxed”
Weep for the children.
Will say, not a single family member in our two families have done that. We have talked about it, quite a bit. And that includes RNs, and A GP.
One other tenet the expert mentioned was people’s right to make informed decisions. Give them all the facts, so the risk/benefits can be weighed. And ultimately it’s their choice. Last I checked we believed in freedom.
And we don’t need 100% compliance. Just about 70%.
Which means....
Just facts.
Last edited by JBen; May 27th, 2021 at 06:01 AM.
May 27th, 2021 03:23 AM
May 27th, 2021, 03:19 PM
Wonder whether she'll resign her position on principle now that her employer is requiring mandatory vaccinations to live in residence.
Last edited by Badenoch; May 27th, 2021 at 04:58 PM.
May 28th, 2021, 11:34 AM
There is one thing for sure not a single teacher should be allowed to obstain from taking the Vaccine. Especially with how much crying they did. Any teacher that even suggest they should be allowed to opt out should be fired.
May 28th, 2021, 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by
There is one thing for sure not a single teacher should be allowed to obstain from taking the Vaccine. Especially with how much crying they did. Any teacher that even suggest they should be allowed to opt out should be fired.
So far without the vaccine no teacher in Ontario has died from the virus. . What are they crying about lol.
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May 28th, 2021, 12:22 PM
They were crying they did not have enough protection and wanted more then Doctors and Nurses
Originally Posted by
So far without the vaccine no teacher in Ontario has died from the virus. . What are they crying about lol.
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