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Thread: Harbinger for the Future of Canada

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    A few minutes to come back to this.

    So, like Ontario did, the province had to call in an outside expert, to tell them they shouldn’t be running lemonade stands. And how to fix it. No idea if she is right wing, or extremely left like Drummond.

    Both recommended salary freezes, and raising taxes, and cuts. Both identify the need to stand up to Unions.

    In NFLDs case, there is an argument to be made for cuts that result in layoffs ( highest per capita headcount). In Ontario it’s opposite leanest and expensive.

    People will argue that X role is worth Y money. For this or that reason. Paraphrase I think I’m worth $$$, or I think so and so is worth $$$.

    I wonder if “teachers”, or “cops” or “RNs” make the some money as they do in Ontario. Assuming no. Why not? Because revenue and the tax base?

    No one likes layoffs. One it puts people out of work. Two, it means fewer services. Whether RNs, or PSWs or pencil pushers at service Ontario.

    Everyone, has bills to pay. But yep...but are all equal?
    If the mean duo income in NFLD is $80,000 (it is). Should Public servants that gross around the same take hair cuts?

    Add 20% to 25% to the cost.
    None more so than pensions. Especially because they are DBPs. Which typically calculate the benefit
    Based on the 5 highest years.
    And too often, because Unions usually have stupid salary grids where people get raises just for showing up to work and logging hours....over and above raises when contracts are renogiated. Too often at inflation ( often above). But which also does not address natural business cycles. And things like 2008. When gdp goes in the tank and takes years to recover.....

    For the life of me, I can’t think of one good reason why someone that grosses a lot more than the mean, double the typical tax paying peon. Can’t afford to take care of themselves.

    And can only guess, such a straightforward, logical, justified measure would meet the stiffest of all resistance. The holy grail. And unions and their members would go nuclear.

    Far easier to nip the low hanging fruit and their own “have nots” as we’ve seen in Ontario

    when JT took over debt to gdp was good (thanks Harper). I know many here didn’t like his initial spending. Fact of the matter is, the D/G ratio was good and could handle.


    but it wasn’t some, and sunny days don’t last forever...

    2055 or 35 years.
    I do believe I’ve said our grandchildren and theirs. Yep, about 35 years before they have a say and can vote.
    Last edited by JBen; May 25th, 2021 at 11:19 AM.

  2. # ADS

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