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Thread: UNRWA funding

  1. #11
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Now over 4,000 rockets, 700 are have estimated to have landed in Gaza resulting in casualties there. There have been reports and videos of Palestinians refusing to leave with their children even though warned by Israel of a bombing .... cannon fodder so their leaders can get richer and buy more weapons (in that order), just look at the percentages!

    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    P.S. 2
    Hamas funding and weapons.... while 50% unemployment, food shortage but they can afford 10,000 rockets,

    As for Hamas' view on peace

    In Montreal
    In Vancouver

    and many others inbetween.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Member for Life

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    If I recalled Trump had stop funding for Humanitarian Aid to the Palestinians but Biden I think put it back.

    If they can afford Rockets then they can afford anything and everything else all aid should be 100% cut off.

    Not reinstated until 5 years of no attacks.

  4. #13
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Harper and Trump cut off aid to the corrupt UNRWA and so did many other countries, I read recently Netherlands and Sweden did too. Look at the Wion report on their spending.... millions on tunnels to hide in, to attack Israel and weapons and the leaders but the people... very little

    BUT Biden and Trudeau let the money roll.... apparently they are estimated to have 10,000 rockets and missiles, Iran and Qatar must have held a bulk discount on weapons. I remember Omar Alghabra making a stink trying to get Hamas taken off the terrorist list in Canada but his twitter account seems to be party run now so nothing on that. I do see on Justlied's twitter an implication that C-10 is to help in extremism etc. .... but for a Liberal telling the truth is extremism, especially in the light of what the lawyer Ian Runkle's review of C-10 showed!

    Palestinian won't take kids out of targeted building and fired on their own aid convoy crossing and Hamas celebrated hitting power and water plant in Israel.... that supplied power and water to Gaza and deprived 250,000 in Gaza of power and water.

    Hamas Founder’s Son Urges Israel To Assassinate Hamas Leaders After Ceasefire: ‘Teach Them A Lesson’
    “Assassinating Hamas leadership will not destroy Hamas, but it will teach them a lesson and hold them accountable,” Mosab Yousef said in an interview with the New York Post’s Jon Levine. “Next time, before you get civilians on both sides involved in a bloodbath, you need to think 1,000 times. This is my personal suggestion.”

    “Hundreds of children have paid the price. These type of people cannot get away with what they did. They should not feel safe for a day,” he said. “Hamas hates Israel more than they love their own children.”


    The best history summary I have heard.
    Last edited by mosquito; June 8th, 2021 at 06:11 PM.

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