May 14th, 2021, 09:39 AM
Has too much time on their hands
Well having taught and assisted in teaching many classes on a variety of topics, yes there is prep time, the FIRST time you teach it. After that maybe a few minutes before the class. Full benefits, huge pension, regular raises and increases based on years experience, summers off, then the pay....
Let's see .... the title, number and year. (I filtered for 2020 only)
Secondary Teacher 31,506 2020
Teacher 17,538 2020
Elementary Teacher 13,905 2020
Teacher - Elementary 3,426 2020
Secondary Teacher - Department Head 1,868 2020
Secondary Teacher, Curriculum Chair 589 2020
Teacher - English as a Second Language - Elementary 339 2020
Teacher - Mathematics 271 2020
Secondary Teacher - Regular Classroom 267 2020
Special Education Teacher 229 2020
Teacher - English 228 2020
Teacher - French Immersion 215 2020
Teacher - Science 181 2020
Teacher - Special Education In-School Support Program 180 2020
Consultant Teacher 179 2020
Teacher - Library 170 2020
Teacher - Guidance 168 2020
Teacher - Planning Time - Physical Education 157 2020
Elementary Teacher Special Education 138 2020
Teacher - Business 136 2020
Teacher - French Core 125 2020
Teacher - Co-operative Education 124 2020
Elementary Teacher, Consultant 113 2020
Teacher - Planning Time - Music 113 2020
All earning more than double the Ontario average, I would say they should make atleast the high school an hour longer each day and freeze the pay for 5 years would be a good start in education reform in Ontario. That extra hour with the same curriculum would allow for actual teaching, not what my kids described as NOT teaching and just handing out some papers and would also likely reduce the kids free time to get in trouble.
I know alot of teachers and several of them are quite blunt that they hate the kids, hate the work and are only there to take the summer off, there needs to be some kind of review system in place instead of a seniority and union protection of uselessness! I have also seen that teachers often end up as pets or not and the pets get the repeat courses and good courses and the not pets are always changing courses and get the trouble classes. I guess just over 2 years ago I listened to a woman talking to her friend about her teaching job in the line at the grocery, she hadn't taught any courses in her field in over a year, got dumped on and it sounded like nothing she wanted, others I know that are pets and do subs get constant work and others get none.
The educational system is full of cronyism/favouritism, incompetence and is failing the students AND the teachers often.
This isn't new, a programmer I worked with 25 years ago quit teaching because after 5 years he hadn't taught a course in math (his major) and it sounded like he was in the sh** group for the courses he was given and another that had to appeal because he was asked to teach shop classes and wasn't qualified, that would possibly be dangerous to the kids?
May 14th, 2021 09:39 AM