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Thread: re: possible boar sightings

  1. #31
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    If I'm right in thinking what the taint is, my grandma called it "brimmin".
    Our church had until covid hit, an annual pancake and sausage supper in April. All the church ladies would get 10 lbs of sausage to roast. One year grandma got a batch that was brimmin. I hadn't heard that term before, I was a teenager. She said it's from boar/ male pigs that aren't de-nutted. Said sometimes they only got 1 nut and it affected the smell of the meat cooking and flavour.

    Well we served it. The men of the church put on the supper, alot were farmer's that at 1 time raised pigs or grew up on a farm that did. Some had 1 bite and that was enough for them. I did the same. One lady said it was the best sausage she ever had.

  2. # ADS

  3. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by FISH-ON View Post
    So the big question, did the 2 you shot escape from a 'boar farm' in the area? come up from the US? or are these the invasive boars from Saskatchewan?
    I'm trying to understand if they cause such devastation why is the MNR staying tip lipped about situation
    Some one was raising them to be killed and they got out in June, once crops started coming off is when sightings started, But that's how it all starts I guess, If they would have bred while out would have been the beginning in our area

  4. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by cramadog2 View Post
    If I'm right in thinking what the taint is, my grandma called it "brimmin".
    Our church had until covid hit, an annual pancake and sausage supper in April. All the church ladies would get 10 lbs of sausage to roast. One year grandma got a batch that was brimmin. I hadn't heard that term before, I was a teenager. She said it's from boar/ male pigs that aren't de-nutted. Said sometimes they only got 1 nut and it affected the smell of the meat cooking and flavour.

    Well we served it. The men of the church put on the supper, alot were farmer's that at 1 time raised pigs or grew up on a farm that did. Some had 1 bite and that was enough for them. I did the same. One lady said it was the best sausage she ever had.
    My wife could eat it until she got pregnant, than no dice. We had some smoked sausage and hams made with what was left.

  5. #34
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  6. #35
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    OFAH is not supporting hunting them. HAH!! They'll be s-o-r-r-y.

  7. #36
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    If it has nuts intact doesn’t matter what it is not good eating

  8. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by finsfurfeathers View Post
    If I see one while turkey hunting it'll be sausage before day end
    LMAO That's hilarious!!! and I completely agree!!

  9. #38
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    I sure hope like hell this is all just a rumor - like a bad dream. These things are a menace and I can only hope they never make their way down to Niagara.

    As far as predation goes I saw lots of these this spring - this particular one came in for a closer look.

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