Out for a rip in the Transtemporal Travel Unit this mornin' were ya bud? Check with your agent or broker. I guess you didn't watch it. Nothing fake about those two, must be close to 100 years of medical knowledge between them. I think you might be suffering from buyers remorse over your hasty decision, If you only had that Unit sooner eh? or maybe something else...
LOL I called my insurance agent, also on Manualife's website it even say's it does not affect your insurance. I suggest you come back to reality.
I like facts not fake news. Name one insurance company that is going to invalidate your life insurance in Canada. Name one.
Don't really care what you like, what you like may not be reality. You've strayed offside, I'm not a part of your circus show and won't be jumping through your hoops, I've got better things to do. Feel free to do your own research Dr.
Why would it, they are not an actual vaccines?
These so called vaccines do not stop transmission nor do they stop from spreading it to others. You still have to wear a mask, keep 6ft and continue to abide by all health restrictions as those who are not vaccinated. The only benefits you may gain is less severe symptoms if you contract the virus. These vaccines are only good for a year possibly.
Now that we have different groups that have been fully vaccinated, those people are still locked down.
The only thing that has come a long way is how fast Health Canada approves drugs that have not be properly tested and deemed safe and effective.
Our governments are telling us the way to get back to normal is with vaccines. People need to wake up to the hard facts that once your vaccinated you are not able to go back to normal, all the restrictions stay in place vaccinated or not.
So really what good is making an experimental drug mandatory, when it will not lift any of the health restrictions?
From the horses mouth
Last edited by canadaman30; April 14th, 2021 at 08:49 AM.
More "Fake News"
Tucker on Trudeau again.
No they should not be mandatory if you look at the evidence.
You have a very very high survival rate anyone under the age of 40
Only 46 deaths under the age of 40 in Ontario in a year from covid.
Compare that to over 1500 overdose deaths in the same age group in Ontario for the same period.
With a 99.9 percent survival rate taking an experimental vaccine is it necessary ?
Nope .
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