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Thread: Manipulating stats

  1. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by fishfood View Post
    I was thinking something was smelling fishy .
    I was kinda thinking as the older population got it's vaccine it's keeping them out of the he hospital . Since they have the room they are now just keeping younger patients. Keeping some of the people they would of let go home previously . It was just a thought with more room in the hospital it only makes sense to fill the beds with younger patients than in December.

    Saw an article that was asking if we should vaccine the children next .

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    Actually giving the older people the vaccine first was an attempt to keep them out of the funeral homes. Because the younger groups are more mobile and fun loving they want to get them vaccinated now, to slow the evolution of the many variances. Its possible at the rate this virus mutates it may eventually arrive at point, where they will have to deal with resistance variance, and possible have to start all over again scrabbling to come up with a new vaccine to deal with it. What is not clear is if they can arrive at an measure of containment for this virus. The more opportunity it has to infect hosts, gives the virus a further opportunities to mutate. IUC stats are merely secondary to this more pressing race.

    You don't stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
    - Gun Nut

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