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Thread: Move over Trump hello Justin

  1. #51
    Leads by example

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    Do you really believe that half of the population in Canada are on welfare or social assistance. LOL
    No, certainly not. But the proportion has been growing steadily over recent decades and has taken a huge leap in the last year. They don’t vote for austerity.
    “You have enemies ? Good. It means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life”: Winston Churchill

  2. # ADS

  3. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    And there you go ... there's the proof ... "their own voters ... are made at them." YES! Because we have VALUES and demand they be upheld. Not like you that will support Turdea even though he's a criminal, liar and hypocrite ... you will accept a piece of S,,, as a prime minister ... doesn't matter to you. Big difference.
    I think you and a few others are irrationally "emotional" in relation to Trudeau. He has not been convicted of anything so is NOT A CRIMINAL, he may tell a few porky's like most all politicians. He has had a few ethic committee problems but none of this stuff really matters to a lot of Canadians.

    A good example of "you guys" being overly emotional is in relation to the debt and Canada's future. Canadians today are not as concerned about debt as they were 20 years ago, having a big mortgage and lines of credit and credit card debt in the new normal. So even although you shout the sky is falling on debt, its falling on deaf ears with the public.
    America's debt load is almost TWICE that of Canada per capita, so lets keep things in perspective here.

    We are a very big country, with vast resources and a small population.

  4. #53
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    I think you and a few others are irrationally "emotional" in relation to Trudeau. He has not been convicted of anything so is NOT A CRIMINAL, he may tell a few porky's like most all politicians. He has had a few ethic committee problems but none of this stuff really matters to a lot of Canadians.

    A good example of "you guys" being overly emotional is in relation to the debt and Canada's future. Canadians today are not as concerned about debt as they were 20 years ago, having a big mortgage and lines of credit and credit card debt in the new normal. So even although you shout the sky is falling on debt, its falling on deaf ears with the public.
    America's debt load is almost TWICE that of Canada per capita, so lets keep things in perspective here.

    We are a very big country, with vast resources and a small population.
    False, we are a big country with huge mineral and oil resources (that the gov't won't let be used by us) and very limited food resources and using the best lands to make more suburbs. If there is another Carrington even (CME), and history says it will happen again, fortunately the latest ones weren't earth aimed, we have no way to feed the population we have now. We can expect 50, I would say 75%, starvation, look at last centuries man made by the Communists starvations in the Ukraine, Russia and China, 75,000,000 to 100,000,000 dead.

    Canada's government debt has exceeded the GDP this year. Amazing how you say you don't want to be like the US but when it is convenient you think being like the US is good.... sheesh! The Libs have about doubled the Federal debt since they got in and created huge interest payment issues.

    “Oh, I think that Canada is full too! Even if it’s the second biggest country in the world, our usable land is reduced. Our immigration policy is enough to make you sick" - David Suzuki
    Last edited by mosquito; April 9th, 2021 at 11:03 AM.

  5. #54
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    You pretty much cannot do any new mining in Canada or set up large companies.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    I think you and a few others are irrationally "emotional" in relation to Trudeau. He has not been convicted of anything so is NOT A CRIMINAL, he may tell a few porky's like most all politicians. He has had a few ethic committee problems but none of this stuff really matters to a lot of Canadians.

    A good example of "you guys" being overly emotional is in relation to the debt and Canada's future. Canadians today are not as concerned about debt as they were 20 years ago, having a big mortgage and lines of credit and credit card debt in the new normal. So even although you shout the sky is falling on debt, its falling on deaf ears with the public.
    America's debt load is almost TWICE that of Canada per capita, so lets keep things in perspective here.

    We are a very big country, with vast resources and a small population.

  6. #55
    Elite Member

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    I think you and a few others are irrationally "emotional" in relation to Trudeau. He has not been convicted of anything so is NOT A CRIMINAL, he may tell a few porky's like most all politicians. He has had a few ethic committee problems but none of this stuff really matters to a lot of Canadians.

    A good example of "you guys" being overly emotional is in relation to the debt and Canada's future. Canadians today are not as concerned about debt as they were 20 years ago, having a big mortgage and lines of credit and credit card debt in the new normal. So even although you shout the sky is falling on debt, its falling on deaf ears with the public.
    America's debt load is almost TWICE that of Canada per capita, so lets keep things in perspective here.

    We are a very big country, with vast resources and a small population.
    Gil ... sorry, I'm not buying the it's okay to bury ourselves in debt scenario because no one cares anymore. Even if we don't go into bankruptcy .... are you okay having 1/4 of your tax money to paying interest on debt, instead of helping the poor and our our veterans?

    It's bad management, you know it ... you probably handle your personal finances much more differently than what you're allowing the liberals to get away with ... so why do you able good fiscal policy on your personal finances, and think it's okay to have no budget and endless spending on the federal level? You know it's wrong ... come on.

  7. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatwhite View Post
    You pretty much cannot do any new mining in Canada or set up large companies.
    All this is about to change in the very near future, President Biden is asking Trudeau to open up the mining, Cobalt should already be opening, the Ring of Fire will be opening, hang fire and stand back.
    Biden is having a problem with the Chinese and access to rare metals and will now be leaning on Canada.

  8. #57
    Borderline Spammer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    All this is about to change in the very near future, President Biden is asking Trudeau to open up the mining, Cobalt should already be opening, the Ring of Fire will be opening, hang fire and stand back.
    Biden is having a problem with the Chinese and access to rare metals and will now be leaning on Canada.
    Justlied better ask the first nations before he puts shovels in the ground as they may think differently of the situation and we all know justlied will wet his pants and tuck his tail if the natives get riled up.

  9. #58
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Well Blair called the CCFR radicals today... I guess because we wouldn't believe his lies.

    Then I tune into the live Liberal policy meetings on Facebook.... you can listen too, their topic when I went on was the environmental and economic repair and the RESET is now called the REALIGNMENT by the way....they were calling it the RESET for a bit then made a point they wanted to change the name, if we don't ditch them we are so screwed!

    “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices” - George Orwell
    Last edited by mosquito; April 9th, 2021 at 06:43 PM.

  10. #59
    Has all the answers

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    I just went to the Facebook comments. Everyone is making fun of them.

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