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Thread: 'NO' vote by the Conservative delegates may have cost O'toole the next Election

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    Climate change is real but what triggered the last big warming trends.

    It wasn't the people or the big companies but it still warmed up and melted the ice caps.

    How do you control the outcome of the planet? How do we stop the awakening of volcanoes that lay dormant for hundreds or thousands of years ? If the earth warmed up before man how does the man fix it ?

    Additional taxes can stop it we need to work together and everyone must play a part . Not just being taxed .

    I didn't vote for o tool and I am wondering if I will vote for him in the next election. Still undecided I know I want the libtards out.

    Who runs a country without a budget ? 2 years without a budget the Liberals think they balance themselves so I guess there is no point in one.

    Sent from my CLT-L04 using Tapatalk

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by impact View Post
    My spidey sense has kicked into overdrive. I know that Pierre chose not to run for the Cons leadership due to "family reasons" but maybe he was waiting for an opportune time. Change is in the air? (not climate).
    The support he is getting from the population in general is simply overwhelming. He has all the optics in his favour.
    It would not take very long for him to take control as a leader and become our next PM.

    Wishful thinking on my part and thousands of others?
    A man for the people without any pretension.
    He certainly has my vote. The others, not so much.

    Is the pub behind you open? I was in Ottawa 2 weeks ago and all their windows were boarded over (plywood). The market was slowly coming to life.

  4. #13
    Elite Member

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    Quote Originally Posted by impact View Post
    My spidey sense has kicked into overdrive. I know that Pierre chose not to run for the Cons leadership due to "family reasons" but maybe he was waiting for an opportune time. Change is in the air? (not climate).
    The support he is getting from the population in general is simply overwhelming. He has all the optics in his favour.
    It would not take very long for him to take control as a leader and become our next PM.

    Wishful thinking on my part and thousands of others?
    A man for the people without any pretension.
    He certainly has my vote. The others, not so much.

    Pierre IS the guy ... period. He needs to step up, if he really cares for this country.

  5. #14
    Has all the answers

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    Interview with Mad Max on O'Toole at the 4Min mark.

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