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Thread: Our Future Debt Problems.

  1. #31
    Borderline Spammer

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    Well as far as out debt and interest payments are concerned and with the way China, North Korea and Russia have been acting lately one never knows maybe ww3 will come to be and hopefully as in the past wars we Come out on top again with our great allies and it can be all written off as bad debt.
    Last edited by Tigboy 304; March 28th, 2021 at 10:04 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #32
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigboy 304 View Post
    Well as far as out debt and interest payments are concerned and with the way China, North Korea and Russia have been acting lately one never knows maybe ww3 will come to be and hopefully as in the past wars we Come out on top again with our great allies and it can be all written off as bad debt.
    Well there is that too.... China and Iran just signed a huge agreement and Iran is already tied to Russia.

    China is pushing in the South China sea.
    200 Ship
    20 military planes

    We see what 1 ship can do to the Suez canal and the Panama canal is likewise vulnerable making shortage of some items possible and relatively easily achieved when looking at it.

    As long as everyone is willing to keep the game going we are OK, as soon as a significant player wants to disrupt the game there will be a big problem. The game's problem is that some of the players want more and more power and wealth. The other problem being that some players play fairly or atleast moderately fair while others have no problem with cheating, killing, violence in general, the value of human life etc. That is summed up in that there are those that just can't see that evil IS evil. The leaders that are selfish children, the leaders that are snakes or lions in the grass waiting their chance and the leaders that can't figure out which shoe goes on which foot. The WEF "opportunity", the Communist plan, the Jihadist .... things are just adding more and more cards to the huge house. We will see where the house collapses, whether it all collapses or how and what parts will get stronger but Canada under this leadership is currently doing all it can to make it's house weaker and unbalanced to the detriment of the future.
    Last edited by mosquito; March 28th, 2021 at 10:52 PM.

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