March 14th, 2021, 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by
Of course become a fire fighter. Work 7 days a month (24 hr shifts) and get a solid 8 hrs of rest each shift. Why would you not want to be a fire fighter. Reminds me if a joke I heard
"why did god invent fire fighters..........so cops can have hero's too"
My parents neighbour was as Firefighter..seemed like he was always home. I asked him once and he said he hadn't been on shift for a fire call in over 15 yrs. Made a good living ..."being on call just in case" ...Haha..
March 14th, 2021 10:28 AM
March 14th, 2021, 11:16 AM
Well I read all the posts - got to make a couple comments - I remember awhile back that people would jump on me because of the crime that occurred down here in the states - at the time I told them to just wait and it will be just the same in Canada in short order - well it seems that I was right then as I am now
Another thing - some keep blaming poverty as the reason for the crime - but they don't have the answer why I grew up poor and most of my neighbors were poor and never got in trouble with the law - people were raised with an understanding of what was right and wrong - and the kids were brought up to do what was right - there was a moral fiber that existed in society - today people have no idea of what right or wrong is and many don't care - kids are being raised in fatherless homes without proper guidance - being bombarded with crap on the tv and internet - so what do you expect when these kids grow up -
Then there is the culture that many immigrants bring with them when they come to our countries - they don't attempt to adopt our culture instead they foster the culture from where they came from - a culture that caused them to want to leave in the first place - our western culture is being attacked from all sides and unless things change drastically it will fade into the sunset - when you look at all the advances in science, medicine, art, engineering, mathematics etc. the vast majority of it came from the western nations - unless people start voting into office people who have a true concern for the country and not those who keep feeding them freebies it's all over but the shouting - in the long run a nation will survive only when the people are of good character and morals
March 14th, 2021, 12:29 PM
A lot of truths spoken there Joe....
kids are being raised in fatherless homes without proper guidance
A problem back when the Black Community held the Million Man March back in 95...
Proliferation of Single Mom with kids..
Duel income households...kids coming home from school to empty houses..
Gaming...kids spending hours a day being non productive ...
There are hundreds of changes in Kids lives since your and mine generations Joe..some great...some not so much.
March 14th, 2021, 02:55 PM
Well said JoePa, how very true and with what the left is pushing nowadays it is only going to get worse if they have their way. With nothing of any good coming out of it and a very bleak future for western society.
March 14th, 2021, 03:42 PM
Back in my dads time, they worked 12 hour shift, 170 days a year.
Back then, it was a dangerous job. He was badly hurt numerous times, and eventually all the crap he sucked into his lungs killed him. Today, they are more paramedics.
Crime /gangs in Durham region have been rising since around 2005. Ajax in particular is bad. You’d think with the explosion in population, tax revenue would allow for adequate police services/action.
But when both cops and firefighters are pulling in more than 100k..........
And strangely, neither profession crack the top 10 most dangerous....