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Thread: God made a farmer

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default God made a farmer

    Inspired by Joe

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  3. #2
    Leads by example

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    Very nice.....can't help but have pictures emerg in my head of running around on my Grampa's farm as a young lad....trying to get my hat back that the goats stole from me.......
    Last edited by LiveBates; February 24th, 2021 at 02:57 PM. Reason: Spelling
    This isn't a test run................Enjoy er'.......

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Over the years I've lived in a lot of different places - small towns - big towns - rural areas - crowded areas - but I'll tell you something - as far as I'm concerned there is nothing better than living out in the country with land to grow things on - I am never bored always have something to do - there is something about living close to the earth - I always have plans on what I am going to build next - what fruit trees I am going to plant - I've been retired for over 24 years and always have so much to do - I love working outside all day and then sit down on the swing at night and enjoy the quietness and peace that you can get in the country - the farther out the better - I could never live in a city now - with house next to house - I know that not everyone can have a place out in the country but they can always think about it and maybe their dream will come true someday - as I mentioned in another post - there are so many beautiful things to appreciate when you take the time to look

  5. #4
    Member for Life

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    There is a certain appeal to living and working the land even in a small way but although its hard work for most the challenges for some are more than others. I know you have been up here Joe but here are some of my challenges in Ontario.
    You can turn the soil over and throw down your fertilizer in the middle of May and depending on what date you chose you either choose you get bite by Black Flies or you are ahead of the curve. They always seem to know when your breaking ground LOL. The next challenge is when to plant to avoid frost, up my way the 15th June seems a good bet BUT if your off a few days you loose the plants. Growing season is the usual weeding and for me the constant battle with potatoes beetles, but your always assured that Mosquitoes will be your constant friends either in the field's, woods or on the boat fishing, especially on the boat right at the best time for bass fishing just before dark.
    Then there are the neighbor's the woodchucks' want to nip the tops of your tender plants, you dog and the local porcupines always seem to want to get together, if for nothing else than to keep the local vet in business.

    But then comes harvest time you feel great, you have already been a blood donor and feel good you have given back to nature. You get to display your produce in the local fair and might even get some bragging rights. You have organic vegetables that you get to share with friends
    and we usually do some swapping around, by early September the frost is back and the cycle is over for the growing. But in the middle you have cutting tree's, hand chopping firewood, fixing road's, fixing chainsaw's, cutting acres of grass and a bunch of other stuff that make you ask What the fu-- am I doing up in this bloody place. LOL

  6. #5
    Member for Life

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    Yes Gilroy I lived in Canada for awhile back in the late 50s. and now visit often during the fishing season - it isn't the best place for growing things and the bugs are something else - the fishing is good though - here in Pa I find the weather good and can plant just about anything - last frost date is usually in the middle of April and then frost comes again in late September - I spend a lot of time cutting and putting up firewood - planting a large garden and taking care of a large orchard - keeps me busy but I love it - my biggest problem is keeping deer and raccoons from eating my garden - I have a wire fence around on part of my garden that keeps the deer out but the darn raccoons climb over the fence - I'm going to put an electric fence on top of the fence this coming season - these animals can really be a pain - right now with all the snow on the ground the deer are having a tough time finding something to eat and are really hammering the bushes around my yard - too many deer around - take care - Joe

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