February 15th, 2021, 01:23 PM
A long time ago - the way it was -
Years ago my son helped a neighbor clean up a barn - there were lot of old newspapers bundled together to get rid of - he brought home some - I was going through an old desk I have down the cellar and brought some up to look at - you might be interested in what was the news then - July 21, 1939 - some of the headlines - Polish Soldier Killed by Danzig Customs Officer , fatal incident increases tension along frontier - Berlin, July 20, Lieut. Gen. Walther Von Brauchitsch, commander in chief of the German Army told graduates of the Tannenberg military academy today that "we are not looking for a fight but we are not afraid to fight" - Fritz Kuhn pleads Guilty to being drunk; Fined $5; told he was near beating - "I at no time acted boisterously and directed no profanity at any person" insisted the stocky Nazi leader in a formal statement ..... but before he spoke Henry Plasse, the motorcycle policeman who arrested Kuhn early Sunday morning got a word in himself - Plasse, a former professional boxer accepted the hand shake Kuhn offered directly after the arraignment but said "I'll tell you something mister, if I was in plain clothes, I would have fixed you so your mother wouldn't know you. No man could call me the things you said" - Calgary, Alta, July 20 A pretty 24 year old model and her socially prominent mother tonight faced charges they tarred and feathered a young under graduate nurse in her apartment .....An advertisement - Men's 'Fruit. of the Loom' shorts, shirts, briefs $o.25 each - Classified add - For Rent - 5 rooms and bath rear porch h. w h. immediate possession - $25 - Autos - '37 Studebaker 6 sedan $495 - Food - Clams 12 cents a dozen - boy how things have changed - except for human nature - its still the same
February 15th, 2021 01:23 PM
February 15th, 2021, 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by
Years ago my son helped a neighbor clean up a barn - there were lot of old newspapers bundled together to get rid of - he brought home some - I was going through an old desk I have down the cellar and brought some up to look at - you might be interested in what was the news then - July 21, 1939 - some of the headlines - Polish Soldier Killed by Danzig Customs Officer , fatal incident increases tension along frontier - Berlin, July 20, Lieut. Gen. Walther Von Brauchitsch, commander in chief of the German Army told graduates of the Tannenberg military academy today that "we are not looking for a fight but we are not afraid to fight" - Fritz Kuhn pleads Guilty to being drunk; Fined $5; told he was near beating - "I at no time acted boisterously and directed no profanity at any person" insisted the stocky Nazi leader in a formal statement ..... but before he spoke Henry Plasse, the motorcycle policeman who arrested Kuhn early Sunday morning got a word in himself - Plasse, a former professional boxer accepted the hand shake Kuhn offered directly after the arraignment but said "I'll tell you something mister, if I was in plain clothes, I would have fixed you so your mother wouldn't know you. No man could call me the things you said" - Calgary, Alta, July 20 A pretty 24 year old model and her socially prominent mother tonight faced charges they tarred and feathered a young under graduate nurse in her apartment .....An advertisement - Men's 'Fruit. of the Loom' shorts, shirts, briefs $o.25 each - Classified add - For Rent - 5 rooms and bath rear porch h. w h. immediate possession - $25 - Autos - '37 Studebaker 6 sedan $495 - Food - Clams 12 cents a dozen - boy how things have changed - except for human nature - its still the same
Joe, 75 years later you would believe that the world would be a better place but history keeps repeating itself. Its about to get ugly.
February 15th, 2021, 08:50 PM
February 16th, 2021, 12:28 AM
When I laid a new kitchen floor down on the first house we bought there was a layer of newspapers beneath the linoleum used to keep the dust down in the basement. One of the papers had headlines of the battle of Midway and featured a picture of the Yorktown afire but still on even keel 4 June '42. I still have it around here somewhere.
February 16th, 2021, 12:48 AM
My mom found this newspaper on the back of an old framed picture from her grand mother's house.
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"If guns cause crime, all of mine are defective."
-Ted Nugent
February 16th, 2021, 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by
My mom found this newspaper on the back of an old framed picture from her grand mother's house.
Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk
Wow, even in 1908.... Indians (Natives) and hunters had a relationship that made headlines... Very interesting to read about our history or what was making the news back then... Pretty cool and sad at the same time....
"Everything is easy when you know how"
"Meat is not grown in stores"