February 7th, 2021, 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by
Again Covid doesn't 'kill' them..it only exacerbates a preexisting condition. It's called comorbidity. In the case of an LTC..they are already 'circling the drain' ...the virus just accelerates the inevitable.
Yes, the virus "accelerated" their deaths. Death is inevitable for all of us but allowing another person's death to be "accelerated" is generally not condoned.
Were it not for the virus some of the victims would still be alive. Trying to prevent the virus from doing the same to others is an effort our society has decided is worth making.
February 7th, 2021 03:57 PM
February 7th, 2021, 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by
Not according to Ontario Health stats..the average stay in an LTC facility is 161 days (2.5 yrs is for Nursing Homes.)
Name one guy on here who is a Covid denier..
No one who goes into an LTC comes out alive. People 'park' their elderly there to die. Of course the were going to die...'anyway'.
Telling people their shameful to express that, means you not facing reality and a bit naive.
This came up a couple weeks ago. I linked something from LTC so and so. Their stats say 2 years.
Your quoting average time to placement. Not average stay
Anything else I can think of, the cause of death is whatever straw breaks the camels back. This is no different. Doesn’t matter how many ailments someone has. It’s what ever does them in.
LTCs and the vast majority of fatalities (75%). Given these are people on borrowed time. Should we throw them under the bus the way we have other less fortunate people to save them???
Nope. But we could have done far more to protect them, isolate them. Without crippling the economy and people.
Last edited by JBen; February 7th, 2021 at 04:39 PM.
February 7th, 2021, 04:43 PM
3 days that stopped the world.
China told the world world on January 20th it was spreading human to human.
The WHO ignored the fact that China shut down . As cases filled the hospital's in and around China.
It wasn't globally so there was no threats even know they knew how the coronavirus spreads they did nothing .
Ps the WHO has already stated that this is not the big and we should learn from this and prepare the next big one.
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February 7th, 2021, 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by
Yes, the virus "accelerated" their deaths. Death is inevitable for all of us but allowing another person's death to be "accelerated" is generally not condoned.
The problem is, that by falsifying the 'cause of death' and using those inflated numbers to elevate the death rate of Covid it created a 'pandemic' response.
That shut down the economy, threw thousands out of work, destroying business and interrupt our lives and or children's education.
Billions of dollars spent and lost because the virus accelerated the deaths of people with immunocompromised health and were destined to die within the year anyway.
Were it not for the virus some of the victims would still be alive
..and many would have died anyway.