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Thread: Canada goes to the Food Bank for Vaccines

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Canada goes to the Food Bank for Vaccines

    Well this is just plain embarrassing for Canadians...first the Village idiot buys x10 doses per person, greater than any other G7 country. This resulted in the world calling us Hoarders. Now he's desperate to safe face for his bumbling the vaccine roll out, he's going to the World's Vaccine food bank to get some of the vaccine designated for poor countries.

    Gavi pools funds from wealthier countries to buy vaccines for themselves and to supply 92 low- and middle-income nations that can’t afford to buy on their own through the COVAX Advanced Market Commitment facility. Canada contributed $440 million to COVAX in September, half of which secured doses for Canada directly from about nine vaccines that are participating in the program, and the rest donated to supply poorer countries.
    Canada and other developed countries have been criticized for using their wealth and influence to snap up a majority of vaccines for themselves. COVAX was supposed to prevent that, and International Development Minister Karina Gould said Wednesday that Canada continues to support that goal, and that Ottawa was only drawing from the COVAX supply of doses available to donor countries.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Just read an article on it.

    And to think, so many voters chose this idiot. Yes, he should be in the crosshairs. But who put them there....

    “What’s also devastating is that Canada is looking to boost its vaccine supply by drawing on COVAX, the global vaccine exchange set up to make sure that countries can access doses, “regardless of their wealth.” Yes, Canada, one of the richest countries in the world, is drawing on the global vaccine bank for poorer countries.”

  4. #3
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    Is this JT's admission that he has turned Canada into a third world country? Looks like it to me.

  5. #4
    Has all the answers

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    Call an election.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by glen View Post
    Call an election.
    Yea...all three of opposition parties sure took the Village Idiot to task for the optics of this decision.

    Green Party Leader Annamie Paul said Canada's reliance on the program for additional doses harms the country's international reputation. She also said Canada's move to take doses from COVAX could prolong transmission of the virus elsewhere and allow more variants to arise.

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