February 2nd, 2021, 02:52 PM
New Kent covid is out need more lock downs new strains are coming to a community near you .
Still no Can covid yet tho lol
Or was ours the original version ? The softer variant lol.
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February 2nd, 2021 02:52 PM
February 2nd, 2021, 02:54 PM
Back to page one and the topic
“Here in Canada, any talk of anything other than a lockdown
puts politicians and their careers in jeopardy.”
“It’s a bizarre scenario considering that depending on how you slice it, all of these states can claim to be doing a better job than Canada’s major provinces cough
Worded differently, a huge country with a handful of large cities. Get outside those cities and Covid is largely a non event.......
“There isn’t a single region (
cough city )where scrapping, or even relaxing, restrictions is close to being popular.”
“Part of this might be driven by the fact that Canada’s media refuses to consider anything other than lockdown harder and lockdown faster”
MSM out of where?
“There is also the fact that other than B.C., the major provinces are run by more conservative-leaning premiers and their opposition parties tend to scream for even more restrictions rather than allowing people to get back to work.”“The public believes that this is the only way to deal with COVID because that is what it is told.”
And like GC, people voters see only what immediately affecting them......
/list dozens of examples...
Like huge swaths of Ontario where Covid is a non event, paying the prices