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Thread: Freedom of Speech takes a hit

  1. #191
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by MeghanOOD View Post
    A reminder that in Canada, it's Freedom of Expression:
    So is it still considered freedom of expression if it is inciting something illegal? If I remember correctly Trump was doing something similar last week and people were screaming blue murder.

    ........pretty rich comment coming from the Thread "Grim Reaper". How many threads have you killed due to freedom of expression?

  2. # ADS

  3. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by trimmer21 View Post
    The left thought it was wonderful when terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa were causing all sorts of trouble for Trump. Anyone who thinks that they're magically going away has sawdust for brains. It will be extremely interesting to see how the Democrats react when they're on the receiving end.
    They were on the receiving end on the 6th and along with their Republican friend's did not like what they got. In relation to BLM and Antifa there will be no demonstrations so long as white supremist's and fascists' are kept on a leash, so I see no reason for them to be worried.

    I am surprised as a vocal supporter for Trump's re election you have not been on here defending him, I am still awaiting Kevin O'Leary's
    comment's another Conservatives who believed there was no way the Donald would not get re elected.

    Seen it all on here in the last decade, pretty soon the old Donald's supporters will be as scarce as those who supported Bush junior after lying the nation into a phoney war in Iraq.

  4. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatwhite View Post
    I suggest you do some research on Antifa if your father fought in the war like my Grandfather did then you know 100% your father would be wondering why he bothered to even fight. He would roll over in his grave.
    The only part he would roll over about would be the rise of fascist after believing they were defeated in WW2.

    Mind you from what I have seen of the fascists' and white supremist in the USA they don't have the discipline, brains or bravery to qualify for a spot in the old Wehrmacht, save and except peeling potatoes.

  5. #194
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilroy View Post
    The only part he would roll over about would be the rise of fascist after believing they were defeated in WW2.

    Mind you from what I have seen of the fascists' and white supremist in the USA they don't have the discipline, brains or bravery to qualify for a spot in the old Wehrmacht, save and except peeling potatoes.
    ... and looking at the left in Communist Russia/China/Cambodia/Vietnam/Cuba ... over 100,000,000 killed by the gov't.

    and if you look at the National Socialists government and their police ...
    "From August 19 to October 5 * the dates column didn't copy Page 34

    Battalion 314 shot 25 Jews. Battalion 45 at Slavuta shot 522 Jews.
    Battalion 45 shot 66 and 471 Jews in two actions.
    Battalion 314 shot 367 Jews in a "cleansing action."
    Battalion 314 shot 294 Jews,
    Battalion 45 shot 61 Jews, and the "police squadron" (horse-mounted police) 113 Jews.
    Police Regiment South shot 1,324 Jews.
    According to the first of two reports, Police Regiment South shot 549 Jews and Battalion 314 shot 69 Jews. Hie second credited Police Regiment South with shooting 914 Jews.
    Police Regiment South shot 369 Jews.
    Battalion 320 provided the "cordon" while the staff company of the HSSPF shot 15,000 Jews at Kamenets Podolsky on August 26-27 and another 7,000 on August 28.
    Battalion 320 shot 2,200 Jews in Minkovtsy.
    Police Regiment South shot 88 Jews;
    Battalion 320 shot 380.
    Police Regiment South shot 45 Jews.
    Police Regiment South shot 4,144 Jews.
    Police Regiment South shot 144 Jews.
    Police Regiment South shot 1,548 Jews.
    Police Regiment South shot 1,255 Jews.
    Police Battalion 304 shot 305 Jews."

    It then joined Police Battalion 45 in the execution of several thousand Jews in Vinnitsa in September 1941, and shot 7,000 to 8,000 Jews in Dnepropetrovsk on October 10-14.

    Freedom of speech, openness, honesty, respect and I would say education ... the enemies of the the left and right dictatorships...

    So given the evidence and the history you have to ask what kind of a moral or mental mess would support either, based on the evidence those that fit the narcissistic pattern, those with no empathy, those with mental and moral foundations that are lacking and those that are just evil and hate. Canada really has to look at itself, I mean we have a drama teacher for a PM that thinks dictatorships are just the best...

    I've talked to people that were there and ones father was sent to work in the desert for 8 years just because he was educted.... under China
    this is how they treated teachers
    and under Pol Pot and in Russia being a teacher could be a death sentence... yet a drama teacher admires that kind of gov't ... and said he wants to use COVID as a chance to create a socialistic society in Canada!
    That is just so fubar!
    Last edited by mosquito; January 22nd, 2021 at 08:39 PM.

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