January 17th, 2021, 09:25 AM
Another sane covid article
I like Furey.
Sound journalistic reporting. Presents the facts. Unfortunately the politicians refuse to listen.
When it comes to youth getting hard hit by COVID-19, the current federal data reveals that over the past 10 months 538 Canadians under the age of 19 have been hospitalized, 75 of those have been placed in the ICU and 3 of them have died.
For comparison, here’s the federal government’s 2018-2019 influenza season summary: “1,352 pediatric hospitalized cases, a total of 271 (20%) ICU admissions and 10 (0.7%) deaths.”
January 17th, 2021 09:25 AM
January 17th, 2021, 10:51 AM
I heard that the icu have been running at around 80 plus percent for that past several years. Could not find anything to back that up but I did find in 2014 2015 ran at 90 percent .
We have been told for months now that we are running out of capacity in the ICU . Remember we were running out in November lol. It's January with the same bs story.
But apparently we are running the same capacity as the last 3 years. Currently
Why we haven't kept covid 19 patients separate is beyond me. But more are dead now from not getting the treatment they need. Had another friend pass the other day from yet another short cancer battle .
Have had more people die this year that I know in a long time. 3 close in since November been 2 pallbearer this winter season .
Health care system's hospital's have been running over capacity for years without covid . So why they are bringing it to there is just bs . Let's stop critical surgeries and fill the the overwhelming hospital with covid. 1 in 4 case's are coming from the hospital's that's 20 percent .
We can't open the economy because our hospital is full . Solutions keep it out of the damn hospital and set up designated covid areas. How hard is that it's not .
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