December 10th, 2020, 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by
The claws backs will affect EI, Welfare , Rent subsidies ..all the other social safety nets that 'poor people are drawing now.
Ok, I re-read 5 times and see that now. The 50% claw back would be on the income over and above the guaranteed basic income.
December 10th, 2020 08:26 AM
December 10th, 2020, 09:51 AM
I wonder if you guys are the ones thinking backwards. Don't mistake that as me completely onboard. I'm just not afraid of change, afraid of doing things a little differently.
Around the time Wynne announced the pilot, there were a few studies coming out of Alberta given the absolute S kicking they were going through after 2012. What researchers were finding, particularily in and around smaller towns. And just makes plain and utter sense. People lower down the income scales spend all their money. Where do they spend it....At Starbucks? Buying BMWs, at Sobeys and Loungos? lol ffs back around 2000 Walmart parking lots would be largely empty. Today, they are crammed full, even before Covid.........How do you guys not see this?
In 2016 I moved near Lindsay despite knowing it was a dead and dying town. Like so much of small town Ontario...It was one of the 5 pilot programs. Being outside Lindsay but close, I started reading a lot of local news. I'm a news junkie, what can I say? I read more than just a couple articles, that featured recipients. The best one I can recall was a hubby/wife that was trying to run a small restaurant. Like so many other small businesses today we are trying to keep going for good reasons...Reasons you all agree with...Yet reading some comments.....
Anywho that basic income, was enough that they could run the restaurant, work long hours, pay a waitress....and ....spend their pocket change at other small/local places in their "income bracket" per se.........who in turn spent where exactly?
This was another one
Yes, obviously some things with respect to taxation would need to change, meaning not simply just collect more.
I think somewhat obviously though I dont know, it would need to be more "regional'. And not just everywhere.Call it investing in people, rather than corporate welfare if that makes you feel better.
Or think outside the box. If 2020 isn't us forcing us to reexamine things.
Nothing will
Last edited by JBen; December 10th, 2020 at 10:07 AM.
December 10th, 2020, 10:26 AM
Jben there were also cases of people quitting their jobs to go on this system. To be honest I would quit my job. I would take some savings and pay off my house with no mortgage I would be laughing all the way to the bank. In fact I would probably be further ahead. I would no longer need to set money aside for retirement or my mortgage. Considering how easy it is to find cash jobs I would essentially be working part time but have more money. In fact most people I know would do exactly the same. I'm not poor either after tax I make 6000 + a month after tax but of that 3000 goes for mortgage and retirement. leaving me about 3 grand. So yeah I would be much further ahead. If the government gave me 2000 I can easily make another 1500 in 2 weeks working cash my wife could probably do another 1000 in 2 weeks cash. That gives us 4500 a month and no debt.
I would say everyone I know friends and family would quit tomorrow.
December 10th, 2020, 11:30 AM
It’s a great idea. Now who are they going to steal the money from to give to me? I’d like 5g a month please. Maybe it will get the people off the street corner too.
December 10th, 2020, 11:45 AM
Don't disagree GW.
As I said, obviously taxation ( how we raise, how, where we spend) would need to change. Not a chance in hell it could be done on a wider scale given current tax policy/regime. Fiscally, I'm as right wing as anyone here. Allow me to change wording a bit.
How does any company big or small, start or grow without seed capital. Standard R wing ideology. They find investors who provide the basic income..Sorry seed capital.....
Outside of times like this I don't favour "corporate welfare" at all. Not because it cant work, but because it always benefits a few and not the many. We end up with SNC, Bombardier, GM, Air Canada, Mars, Samsung....The list is endless. Great if you work there......the very many?????
Today: Trudeua and Ford are throwing 700m at GM/Oshawa to keep 2,000 employed and "hopefully" tiered recipients ( aka "trickle down"). I wonder how much we spend every year in welfare and corporate welfare alone. Let alone the armies of social workers.......
I vividly remember when Walmart first started cropping up here. The odd car/patron. Today, it's jammed packed. Why? because that's what people can afford. This has scared the hell out of me for the better part of 12 years.
Yes there will be those who disinclined to work. But why would they "really".
$1,000 / month + whatever I make working. Or $1,000 month.
Anywho, based on the reports out of Alberta, its just something I think is worth exploring. Especially in area's of Canada that are economically depressed and could use a shot in the arm. The only real way to grow and ecomomy is through spending. Imagine what $1,000/month would do for a lot of maritimers, who in turn spend it on A, then B, then C...
Would I want JT running it.
It has possiblities. We can see that today with whats going on.
Last edited by JBen; December 10th, 2020 at 11:47 AM.