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Thread: Covid 2nd Wave....fact or fiction

  1. #851
    Member for Life

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    Quote Originally Posted by fishfood View Post
    Well almost 2 weeks into the lock down and numbers are not heading down yet .

    And you shouldn't expect them to. Its like stopping a ship. Shut the engines down and that monster will still run for miles before you even notice a change in speed.
    Oh I knew they wouldn't in the flu season .

    Was reading an article the other day that said the first Canadian lockdown accually worked. I went back to try and find it but could not find it. Of course the lockdown slowed the spread it also naturally died down just like the normal flu does in March and April and May .

    During the flu season it is less likely to work with a partial lockdown. York region hospital's filling up a lockdown will coming soon they already have a positive rate higher than Toronto when they shut down.

    It was all a trap this 30 day shutdown will be all winter.

    The mask exceptions are no longer a thing. A man in Durham was refused entry into Costco they tried to take his membership then flagged it . The reason he is at Costco is to get his medication witch exempts him from wearing a mask.

    Covid 19 officer's are out in full force last weekend giving out tickets in York region. Can't wait for mine as I still shop with the better half or take a kid . That's supposed be a big no no only 1 member of your house hold is supposed to do the shopping.

    Sent from my CLT-L04 using Tapatalk

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